Package org.quartz

Interface CalendarIntervalTrigger

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<Trigger>,, Trigger
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CalendarIntervalTrigger
    extends Trigger
    A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon repeating calendar time intervals.

    The trigger will fire every N (see getRepeatInterval() ) units of calendar time (see getRepeatIntervalUnit()) as specified in the trigger's definition. This trigger can achieve schedules that are not possible with SimpleTrigger (e.g because months are not a fixed number of seconds) or CronTrigger (e.g. because "every 5 months" is not an even divisor of 12).

    If you use an interval unit of MONTH then care should be taken when setting a startTime value that is on a day near the end of the month. For example, if you choose a start time that occurs on January 31st, and have a trigger with unit MONTH and interval 1, then the next fire time will be February 28th, and the next time after that will be March 28th - and essentially each subsequent firing will occur on the 28th of the month, even if a 31st day exists. If you want a trigger that always fires on the last day of the month - regardless of the number of days in the month, you should use CronTrigger.

    James House
    See Also:
    TriggerBuilder, CalendarIntervalScheduleBuilder, SimpleScheduleBuilder, CronScheduleBuilder
    • Field Detail


        static final int MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_DO_NOTHING

        Instructs the Scheduler that upon a mis-fire situation, the CalendarIntervalTrigger wants to have it's next-fire-time updated to the next time in the schedule after the current time (taking into account any associated Calendar, but it does not want to be fired now.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getRepeatIntervalUnit

        DateBuilder.IntervalUnit getRepeatIntervalUnit()

        Get the interval unit - the time unit on with the interval applies.

      • getRepeatInterval

        int getRepeatInterval()

        Get the the time interval that will be added to the DateIntervalTrigger's fire time (in the set repeat interval unit) in order to calculate the time of the next trigger repeat.

      • getTimesTriggered

        int getTimesTriggered()

        Get the number of times the DateIntervalTrigger has already fired.

      • getTimeZone

        java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()

        Gets the time zone within which time calculations related to this trigger will be performed.

        If null, the system default TimeZone will be used.

      • isPreserveHourOfDayAcrossDaylightSavings

        boolean isPreserveHourOfDayAcrossDaylightSavings()
        If intervals are a day or greater, this property (set to true) will cause the firing of the trigger to always occur at the same time of day, (the time of day of the startTime) regardless of daylight saving time transitions. Default value is false.

        For example, without the property set, your trigger may have a start time of 9:00 am on March 1st, and a repeat interval of 2 days. But after the daylight saving transition occurs, the trigger may start firing at 8:00 am every other day.

        If however, the time of day does not exist on a given day to fire (e.g. 2:00 am in the United States on the days of daylight saving transition), the trigger will go ahead and fire one hour off on that day, and then resume the normal hour on other days. If you wish for the trigger to never fire at the "wrong" hour, then you should set the property skipDayIfHourDoesNotExist.

        See Also:
        isSkipDayIfHourDoesNotExist(), Trigger.getStartTime(), getTimeZone()
      • isSkipDayIfHourDoesNotExist

        boolean isSkipDayIfHourDoesNotExist()
        If intervals are a day or greater, and preserveHourOfDayAcrossDaylightSavings property is set to true, and the hour of the day does not exist on a given day for which the trigger would fire, the day will be skipped and the trigger advanced a second interval if this property is set to true. Defaults to false.

        CAUTION! If you enable this property, and your hour of day happens to be that of daylight savings transition (e.g. 2:00 am in the United States) and the trigger's interval would have had the trigger fire on that day, then you may actually completely miss a firing on the day of transition if that hour of day does not exist on that day! In such a case the next fire time of the trigger will be computed as double (if the interval is 2 days, then a span of 4 days between firings will occur).

        See Also: