object BSONValue

BSONValue factories and utilities

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Addition extends (BSONValue, BSONValue) => BSONArray

An addition operation for BSONValue, so that it forms an additive semigroup with the BSON value kind.

An addition operation for BSONValue, so that it forms an additive semigroup with the BSON value kind.

Inherited classlikes

final protected class UnsafeValueProducer(f: => Try[BSONValue])

Value members

Concrete methods

def pretty(value: BSONValue): String

Returns a String representation for the value.

Returns a String representation for the value.

import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONValue }

def foo(v: BSONValue): String = BSONValue.pretty(v)

foo(BSONDocument("bar" -> 1))
// { "bar": 1 }


Inherited givens

given noneProducer: Conversion[None.type, Producer[BSONValue]]
Inherited from:
BSONValueLowPriority1 (hidden)



implicit def identityValueProducer[B <: BSONValue](value: B): Producer[BSONValue]

Inherited implicits

implicit def optionProducer[T](value: Option[T])(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T]): Producer[BSONValue]
Inherited from:
BSONValueLowPriority2 (hidden)
implicit def safeOptionProducer[T](value: Option[T])(implicit writer: SafeBSONWriter[T]): Producer[BSONValue]
Inherited from:
BSONValueLowPriority1 (hidden)
implicit def safeValueProducer[T](value: T)(implicit writer: SafeBSONWriter[T]): Producer[BSONValue]
Inherited from:
BSONValueLowPriority1 (hidden)
implicit def valueProducer[T](value: T)(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T]): Producer[BSONValue]
Inherited from:
BSONValueLowPriority3 (hidden)