Package org.redisson

Class RedissonDelayedQueue<V>

Type Parameters:
V - value type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<V>, Collection<V>, Queue<V>, RCollectionAsync<V>, RDelayedQueue<V>, RDestroyable, RExpirable, RExpirableAsync, RObject, RObjectAsync, RQueue<V>, RQueueAsync<V>

public class RedissonDelayedQueue<V> extends RedissonObject implements RDelayedQueue<V>
Nikita Koksharov
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • offer

      public void offer(V e, long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: RDelayedQueue
      Inserts element into this queue with specified transfer delay to destination queue.
      Specified by:
      offer in interface RDelayedQueue<V>
      e - the element to add
      delay - for transition
      timeUnit - for delay
    • offerAsync

      public RFuture<Void> offerAsync(V e, long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: RDelayedQueue
      Inserts element into this queue with specified transfer delay to destination queue.
      Specified by:
      offerAsync in interface RDelayedQueue<V>
      e - the element to add
      delay - for transition
      timeUnit - for delay
    • add

      public boolean add(V e)
      Specified by:
      add in interface Collection<V>
      Specified by:
      add in interface Queue<V>
    • offer

      public boolean offer(V e)
      Specified by:
      offer in interface Queue<V>
    • remove

      public V remove()
      Specified by:
      remove in interface Queue<V>
    • poll

      public V poll()
      Specified by:
      poll in interface Queue<V>
    • element

      public V element()
      Specified by:
      element in interface Queue<V>
    • peek

      public V peek()
      Specified by:
      peek in interface Queue<V>
    • size

      public int size()
      Specified by:
      size in interface Collection<V>
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Collection<V>
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Object o)
      Specified by:
      contains in interface Collection<V>
    • iterator

      public Iterator<V> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Collection<V>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<V>
    • toArray

      public Object[] toArray()
      Specified by:
      toArray in interface Collection<V>
    • toArray

      public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
      Specified by:
      toArray in interface Collection<V>
    • readAll

      public List<V> readAll()
      Description copied from interface: RQueue
      Returns all queue elements at once
      Specified by:
      readAll in interface RQueue<V>
    • poll

      public List<V> poll(int limit)
      Description copied from interface: RQueue
      Retrieves and removes the head elements of this queue. Elements amount limited by limit param.
      Specified by:
      poll in interface RQueue<V>
      list of head elements
    • readAllAsync

      public RFuture<List<V>> readAllAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RQueueAsync
      Returns all queue elements at once
      Specified by:
      readAllAsync in interface RQueueAsync<V>
    • pollAsync

      public RFuture<List<V>> pollAsync(int limit)
      Description copied from interface: RQueueAsync
      Retrieves and removes the head elements of this queue. Elements amount limited by limit param.
      Specified by:
      pollAsync in interface RQueueAsync<V>
      list of head elements
    • remove

      public boolean remove(Object o)
      Specified by:
      remove in interface Collection<V>
    • removeAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> removeAsync(Object o)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
      Specified by:
      removeAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      o - element to be removed from this collection, if present
      true if an element was removed as a result of this call
    • removeAsync

      protected RFuture<Boolean> removeAsync(Object o, int count)
    • containsAllAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> containsAllAsync(Collection<?> c)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
      Specified by:
      containsAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      c - collection to be checked for containment in this collection
      true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection
    • containsAll

      public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
      Specified by:
      containsAll in interface Collection<V>
    • addAll

      public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends V> c)
      Specified by:
      addAll in interface Collection<V>
    • removeAllAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> removeAllAsync(Collection<?> c)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
      Specified by:
      removeAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      c - collection containing elements to be removed from this collection
      true if this collection changed as a result of the call
    • removeAll

      public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
      Specified by:
      removeAll in interface Collection<V>
    • retainAll

      public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
      Specified by:
      retainAll in interface Collection<V>
    • retainAllAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> retainAllAsync(Collection<?> c)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.
      Specified by:
      retainAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      c - collection containing elements to be retained in this collection
      true if this collection changed as a result of the call
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Specified by:
      clear in interface Collection<V>
    • deleteAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> deleteAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RObjectAsync
      Delete object in async mode
      Specified by:
      deleteAsync in interface RObjectAsync
      deleteAsync in class RedissonObject
      true if object was deleted false if not
    • sizeInMemoryAsync

      public RFuture<Long> sizeInMemoryAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RObjectAsync
      Returns bytes amount used by object in Redis memory.
      Specified by:
      sizeInMemoryAsync in interface RObjectAsync
      sizeInMemoryAsync in class RedissonObject
      size in bytes
    • expireAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireAsync(long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit, String param, String... keys)
    • expireAtAsync

      protected RFuture<Boolean> expireAtAsync(long timestamp, String param, String... keys)
    • clearExpireAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> clearExpireAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Clear an expire timeout or expire date for object in async mode. Object will not be deleted.
      Specified by:
      clearExpireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      true if the timeout was cleared and false if not
    • peekAsync

      public RFuture<V> peekAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RQueueAsync
      Retrieves the head of this queue in async mode.
      Specified by:
      peekAsync in interface RQueueAsync<V>
      the head of this queue, or null
    • pollAsync

      public RFuture<V> pollAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RQueueAsync
      Retrieves and removes the head of this queue in async mode.
      Specified by:
      pollAsync in interface RQueueAsync<V>
      the head of this queue, or null
    • offerAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> offerAsync(V e)
      Description copied from interface: RQueueAsync
      Inserts the specified element into this queue.
      Specified by:
      offerAsync in interface RQueueAsync<V>
      e - the element to add
      true if successful, or false
    • pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync

      public RFuture<V> pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync(String queueName)
      Description copied from interface: RQueueAsync
      Retrieves and removes last available tail element of this queue queue and adds it at the head of queueName.
      Specified by:
      pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync in interface RQueueAsync<V>
      queueName - - names of destination queue
      the tail of this queue, or null if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available
    • containsAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> containsAsync(Object o)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Returns true if this collection contains encoded state of the specified element.
      Specified by:
      containsAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      o - element whose presence in this collection is to be tested
      true if this collection contains the specified element and false otherwise
    • sizeAsync

      public RFuture<Integer> sizeAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Returns number of elements in this collection.
      Specified by:
      sizeAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      size of collection
    • addAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> addAsync(V e)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Adds element into this collection.
      Specified by:
      addAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      e - - element to add
      true if an element was added and false if it is already present
    • addAllAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> addAllAsync(Collection<? extends V> c)
      Description copied from interface: RCollectionAsync
      Adds all elements contained in the specified collection
      Specified by:
      addAllAsync in interface RCollectionAsync<V>
      c - - collection of elements to add
      true if at least one element was added and false if all elements are already present
    • pollLastAndOfferFirstTo

      public V pollLastAndOfferFirstTo(String dequeName)
      Description copied from interface: RQueue
      Retrieves and removes last available tail element of this queue queue and adds it at the head of queueName.
      Specified by:
      pollLastAndOfferFirstTo in interface RQueue<V>
      dequeName - - names of destination queue
      the tail of this queue, or null if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Description copied from interface: RDestroyable
      Destroys object when it's not necessary anymore.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface RDestroyable
    • expire

      public boolean expire(long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Specified by:
      expire in interface RExpirable
      timeToLive - - timeout before object will be deleted
      timeUnit - - timeout time unit
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireAsync(long timeToLive, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Specified by:
      expireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      timeToLive - - timeout before object will be deleted
      timeUnit - - timeout time unit
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAt

      public boolean expireAt(long timestamp)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Specified by:
      expireAt in interface RExpirable
      timestamp - - expire date in milliseconds (Unix timestamp)
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAtAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireAtAsync(long timestamp)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Specified by:
      expireAtAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      timestamp - - expire date in milliseconds (Unix timestamp)
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expire

      public boolean expire(Instant instant)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets an expiration date for this object. When expire date comes the key will automatically be deleted.
      Specified by:
      expire in interface RExpirable
      instant - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfSet

      public boolean expireIfSet(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it has been already set. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfSet in interface RExpirable
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfSetAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfSetAsync(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it has been already set. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfSetAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfNotSet

      public boolean expireIfNotSet(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it hasn't been set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfNotSet in interface RExpirable
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfNotSetAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfNotSetAsync(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it hasn't been set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfNotSetAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfGreater

      public boolean expireIfGreater(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's greater than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfGreater in interface RExpirable
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfGreaterAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfGreaterAsync(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's greater than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfGreaterAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfLess

      public boolean expireIfLess(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's less than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfLess in interface RExpirable
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfLessAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfLessAsync(Instant time)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets an expiration date for this object only if it's less than expiration date set before. When expire date comes the object will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfLessAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      time - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireAsync(Instant instant)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Set an expire date for object. When expire date comes the key will automatically be deleted.
      Specified by:
      expireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      instant - - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expire

      public boolean expire(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets a timeout for this object. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.
      Specified by:
      expire in interface RExpirable
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireAsync(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Set a timeout for object. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.
      Specified by:
      expireAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAt

      public boolean expireAt(Date timestamp)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Specified by:
      expireAt in interface RExpirable
      timestamp - - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireAtAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireAtAsync(Date timestamp)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Specified by:
      expireAtAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      timestamp - - expire date
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfSet

      public boolean expireIfSet(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it has been already set. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfSet in interface RExpirable
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfSetAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfSetAsync(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it has been already set. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfSetAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfNotSet

      public boolean expireIfNotSet(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it hasn't been set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfNotSet in interface RExpirable
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfNotSetAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfNotSetAsync(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it hasn't been set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfNotSetAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfGreater

      public boolean expireIfGreater(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it's greater than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfGreater in interface RExpirable
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfGreaterAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfGreaterAsync(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it's greater than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfGreaterAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfLess

      public boolean expireIfLess(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it's less than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfLess in interface RExpirable
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • expireIfLessAsync

      public RFuture<Boolean> expireIfLessAsync(Duration duration)
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Sets a timeout for this object only if it's less than timeout set before. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted.

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      expireIfLessAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      duration - timeout before object will be deleted
      true if the timeout was set and false if not
    • clearExpire

      public boolean clearExpire()
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Clear an expire timeout or expire date for object.
      Specified by:
      clearExpire in interface RExpirable
      true if timeout was removed false if object does not exist or does not have an associated timeout
    • remainTimeToLive

      public long remainTimeToLive()
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Remaining time to live of Redisson object that has a timeout
      Specified by:
      remainTimeToLive in interface RExpirable
      time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
    • remainTimeToLiveAsync

      public RFuture<Long> remainTimeToLiveAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Remaining time to live of Redisson object that has a timeout
      Specified by:
      remainTimeToLiveAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
    • getExpireTime

      public long getExpireTime()
      Description copied from interface: RExpirable
      Expiration time of Redisson object that has a timeout

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      getExpireTime in interface RExpirable
      expiration time
    • getExpireTimeAsync

      public RFuture<Long> getExpireTimeAsync()
      Description copied from interface: RExpirableAsync
      Expiration time of Redisson object that has a timeout

      Requires Redis 7.0.0 and higher.

      Specified by:
      getExpireTimeAsync in interface RExpirableAsync
      expiration time
    • clearExpireAsync

      protected RFuture<Boolean> clearExpireAsync(String... keys)