Interface CurveFunctionSoundSampleBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • setTrigonometricFunction

        void setTrigonometricFunction​(Function<Double,​Double> aFunction)
        Sets the trigonometric function to be used when generating MonoSample.
        aFunction - The Function to be set.
      • getTrigonometricFunction

        Function<Double,​Double> getTrigonometricFunction()
        Returns the trigonometric function being used when generating MonoSample instances.
        The Function being set.
      • setIndex

        void setIndex​(int aIndex)
        Sets the index to be used when generating MonoSample instances.
        aIndex - The index to be set.
      • getIndex

        int getIndex()
        Returns the index being used when generating MonoSample instances.
        The index being set.
      • setFrequency

        void setFrequency​(double aFrequencyInHz)
        Sets the frequency in Hz to be used when generating MonoSample instances.
        aFrequencyInHz - The frequency to be set.
      • getFrequency

        double getFrequency()
        Returns the frequency in Hz being used when generating MonoSample instances.
        The frequency in Hz being set.
      • setAmplitude

        void setAmplitude​(double aAmplitude)
        Sets the amplitude to be used when generating MonoSample instances.
        aAmplitude - The amplitude to be set.
      • getAmplitude

        double getAmplitude()
        Returns the amplitude being used when generating MonoSample instances.
        The amplitude being set.
      • setXOffset

        void setXOffset​(int aXOffset)
        Sets the x-offset to be used when generating MonoSample instances.
        aXOffset - The x-offset to be set.
      • getXOffset

        int getXOffset()
        Returns the x-offset being used when generating MonoSample instances.
        The x-offset being set.
      • setYOffset

        void setYOffset​(double aYOffset)
        Sets the y-offset to be used when generating MonoSample instances.
        aYOffset - The y-offset to be set.
      • getYOffset

        double getYOffset()
        Returns the yOffset being used when generating MonoSample instances.
        The yOffset being set.
      • next

        MonoSample next()
        Returns the next MonoSample for the current index (as of getIndex()) as well as for the other builder's settings and increases the index by one.
        The next MonoSample being set up.
      • toMonoSample

        MonoSample toMonoSample()
        Creates a MonoSample as of the builder's settings.
        The sound sample as of the builder's settings.
      • toMonoSample

        MonoSample toMonoSample​(int aIndex)
        Creates a MonoSample for the given index and the the builder's settings.
        aIndex - The index for which to create the sound sample.
        The sound sample as of the index and the builder's settings.
      • asMonoSample

        static MonoSampleBuilder asMonoSample​(double aIndex,
                                              Function<Double,​Double> aFunction,
                                              double aFrequencyHz,
                                              double aAmplitude,
                                              int aXOffset,
                                              double aYOffset,
                                              int aSamplingRate)
        Creates a MonoSample for the given arguments and the given function. Thanks to willemsenzo, May 18, 2017: return Mathf.Sin(2 * Mathf.PI * timeIndex * frequency / sampleRate); See ""
        aIndex - The index of the sample to generate.
        aFunction - The function to be applied (sine, cosine, ...).
        aFrequencyHz - The frequency (Hz) to use.
        aAmplitude - The maximum amplitude to produce.
        aXOffset - The x-offset (in samples) to be used.
        aYOffset - The y-offset for the amplitude to be used.
        aSamplingRate - The samples per second to generate.
        The MonoSample generated from the given input values.
      • build

        static CurveFunctionSoundSampleBuilder build()
        This is a convenience method for easily instantiating the according builder.
        an instance (using a default implementation) of this builder