Interface SoundSampleBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>, org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexProperty, SampleBuilder<SoundSample,SoundSampleBuilder>, SamplingRateAccessor, SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>, SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateMutator, SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateProperty, SoundSample, org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>, org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampProperty
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SoundSampleBuilder extends SoundSample, SampleBuilder<SoundSample,SoundSampleBuilder>
The SoundSampleBuilder extends the SoundSample with builder functionality.
  • Method Details

    • setSampleData

      void setSampleData(double[] aSampleData)
      Sets the sample's data for the according time positioning. A sample is a value or set of values at a point in time. In case of mono audio, a sample represents a single value, in case of stereo audio, a sample represents a set of values, one value represents one channel (e.g. two channels when we have a left and a right speaker).
      aSampleData - The sample's data for the according time positioning.
    • withSampleData

      default SoundSampleBuilder withSampleData(double[] aSampleData)
      Sets the sample's data for the sample property.
      aSampleData - The sample's data to be stored by the sample property.
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • setTimeStamp

      void setTimeStamp(double aTimeMillis)
      Sets the position in time of this sound sample in ms.
      Specified by:
      setTimeStamp in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampMutator
      aTimeMillis - The sound sample's time positioning in ms.
    • withTimeStamp

      default SoundSampleBuilder withTimeStamp(double aTimeMillis)
      Sets the position in time of this sound sample in ms.
      Specified by:
      withTimeStamp in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TimeStampAccessor.TimeStampBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>
      aTimeMillis - The sound sample's time positioning in ms.
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • withIndex

      default SoundSampleBuilder withIndex(long aIndex)
      Specified by:
      withIndex in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>
    • withIncreaseIndex

      default SoundSampleBuilder withIncreaseIndex()
      Specified by:
      withIncreaseIndex in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>
    • withDecreaseIndex

      default SoundSampleBuilder withDecreaseIndex()
      Specified by:
      withDecreaseIndex in interface org.refcodes.mixin.IndexAccessor.IndexBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>
    • withSamplingRate

      default SoundSampleBuilder withSamplingRate(int aSamplingRate)
      Sets the sampling rate for the sampling rate property.
      Specified by:
      withSamplingRate in interface SamplingRateAccessor.SamplingRateBuilder<SoundSampleBuilder>
      aSamplingRate - The sampling rate to be stored by the sampling rate property.
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • build

      static SoundSampleBuilder build(double[] aSample)
      This is a convenience method for easily instantiating the according builder.
      aSample - The sample (set of values representing the channels, one channel per value) for the related time positioning.
      The according SoundSampleBuilder.