Class AbstractOperand<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the generic type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable<Operand<?>>, ArgsAccessor, Operand<T>, Synopsisable, Syntaxable, org.refcodes.mixin.AliasAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.Clonable, org.refcodes.mixin.DescriptionAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.Resetable, org.refcodes.mixin.Schemable<CliSchema>, org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor<T>, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractOption, NoneOperand, Operation, StringOperand

public abstract class AbstractOperand<T> extends Object implements Operand<T>
The AbstractOperand is an abstract implementation of an Operand providing the boiler plate when implementing the Operand interface.
  • Field Details

    • _value

      protected T _value
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractOperand

      public AbstractOperand(Class<T> aType, String aAlias, String aDescription)
      Constructs a Operand with the given arguments.
      aType - The type of the value returned by the getValue() method.
      aAlias - The Operand's name, used for syntax creation.
      aDescription - A description without any line breaks.
    • AbstractOperand

      public AbstractOperand(org.refcodes.struct.Relation<String,T> aProperty, Class<T> aType)
      Instantiates a new operand.
      aProperty - The key (= alias) and the value for the operand.
      aType - the type
  • Method Details

    • parseArgs

      public List<Operand<T>> parseArgs(String[] aArgs, String[] aOptions) throws ArgsSyntaxException
      Parses the provided command line arguments and determines the according values by evaluating this Syntaxable instance or, in case of being a node in the syntax tree (such as a ArgsSyntax, traversing the child Syntaxable instances' Syntaxable.parseArgs(String[], String[]) methods. In case of successfully parsing this Syntaxable and / or the child Syntaxable instances, the evaluated command line arguments are returned: Depending on the Syntaxable subclasses representing the evaluated command line arguments, instances of Flag classes, Option classes or Operand classes may be found in the result. In case of parsing failure, an according exception is thrown. ATTENTION: This method does not test for superfluous command line arguments being passed; e.g. command line arguments not being evaluated by any of the Syntaxable instance being traversed. This method is commonly used by a root Syntaxable's ArgsParser.evalArgs(String[]) method, which delegates to the Syntaxable.parseArgs(String[], String[]) method and after which it determines whether there are superfluous arguments to be taken care of (by throwing an according exception). Business logic therefore should invoke the root node's Syntaxable.parseArgs(String[], String[]) method as ignoring superfluous command line arguments will cause unexpected behavior from the point of view of the invoker.
      Specified by:
      parseArgs in interface Syntaxable
      aArgs - The command line arguments to be parsed.
      aOptions - The list of options (short and as well as long) which are reserved and cannot be used as value.
      The list of evaluated command line arguments being instances of the Operand interfaces or its sub-types.
      ArgsSyntaxException - thrown in case of a command line arguments mismatch regarding provided and expected args.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DescriptionAccessor
    • toSyntax

      public String toSyntax(SyntaxNotation aSyntaxNotation, String aOptEscCode, String aParamEscCode, String aResetEscCode)
      This method is to be called from inside the Syntaxable hierarchy; use the method Synopsisable.toSynopsis(SyntaxNotation) in case you invoke syntax retrieval from the root Syntaxable. Returns the human readable (verbose) syntax of this Syntaxable instance including, in case of being a node in the syntax tree (such as a ArgsSyntax, the syntax of the child Syntaxable instances. ATTENTION: As of different parenthesis settings for some notations regarding the root Syntaxable and the child Syntaxables, the method Syntaxable.toSyntax(SyntaxNotation, String, String, String) is called from inside the Syntaxable hierarchy. In case the syntax is to be retrieved from the root Syntaxable, then the applicable method to be called is Synopsisable.toSynopsis(SyntaxNotation), as for some notations it will for example not create the most outer braces.
      Specified by:
      toSyntax in interface Syntaxable
      aSyntaxNotation - The syntax notation used for generating the command line arguments syntax.
      aOptEscCode - The escape code to be used when processing an option, e.g. this can be an ANSI Escape-Code to highlight the option.
      aParamEscCode - The escape code to be used when processing a keyword, e.g. this can be an ANSI Escape-Code to highlight the option and/or parameters.
      aResetEscCode - The escape code to close (reset) any Escape-Code being set before.
      The human readable (verbose) command line arguments syntax.
    • getAlias

      public String getAlias()
      Retrieves the name (alias) of the parameter value which can be the name of the operand (Operand) or the option argument (Option), depending on the sub-type inheriting from this interface. The parameter name is merely used for constructing the command line arguments syntax String via Syntaxable.toSyntax(SyntaxNotation, String, String, String) and the command line arguments detail description when creating a command line tool's help output. Attention: The alias can also be used as a key when putting an Operand's key/value-pair into a dictionary such as is done by the RuntimeProperties type provided by the refcodes-properties-ext-runime artifact!
      Specified by:
      getAlias in interface org.refcodes.mixin.AliasAccessor
      Specified by:
      getAlias in interface Operand<T>
      The name of the parameter, e.g the name of the operand or the name of the option argument.
    • getType

      public Class<T> getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in interface org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor<T>
    • getValue

      public T getValue()
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Operand<T>
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor<T>
    • getArgs

      public String[] getArgs()
      Retrieves the command line arguments from the args property.
      Specified by:
      getArgs in interface ArgsAccessor
      Specified by:
      getArgs in interface Operand<T>
      The command line arguments stored by the args property.
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Specified by:
      reset in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Resetable
    • toState

      public String toState()
      The Syntaxable.toState() method might be used by the Object.toString() method and prints out the state of the syntaxable and (if any) its children. Even in case parsing command line arguments failed, the state till failure can be inspected with this method.
      Specified by:
      toState in interface Syntaxable
      The state of this Syntaxable instance and (if any) its children.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Operand<?> obj)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<T>
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Specified by:
      clone in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Clonable
      clone in class Object
    • toSchema

      public CliSchema toSchema()
      Specified by:
      toSchema in interface org.refcodes.mixin.Schemable<T>
    • setValue

      protected void setValue(T aValue)
      Sets the value for the Operand as parsed by the parseArgs(String[], String[]) method.
      aValue - The value to be set for this Operand.
    • setArgs

      protected void setArgs(String[] aArgs)
      Sets the command line argument(s) representing the Operand and its value as parsed by the parseArgs(String[], String[]) method.
      aArgs - The command line arguments representing this Operand with its value.
    • toType

      protected abstract T toType(String aArg) throws ParseArgsException
      Double dispatch hook to be implemented by subclasses of the AbstractOperand for converting a command line argument to the required Operand's type. In case conversion failed, then an according exception is to be thrown.
      aArg - The command line argument to be converted to an instance of the given type T.
      An instance of type T from the provided command line argument.
      ParseArgsException - Thrown in case the provided command line arguments do not respect the required syntax or cannot be converted to the required type.
    • toSynopsis

      public String toSynopsis(SyntaxNotation aSyntaxNotation, String aOptEscCode, String aParamEscCode, String aResetEscCode)
      Returns the human readable (verbose) syntax of implementing class ATTENTION: As of different parenthesis settings for some notations regarding the root Syntaxable and the child Syntaxables, the method Syntaxable.toSyntax(SyntaxNotation, String, String, String) is called from inside a Syntaxable hierarchy. In case the syntax is to be retrieved from the root Syntaxable or an encapsulating and different type, then the applicable method to be called is Synopsisable.toSynopsis(SyntaxNotation), as for some notations it will for example not create the most outer braces.
      Specified by:
      toSynopsis in interface Synopsisable
      aSyntaxNotation - The syntax notation used for generating the command line arguments syntax.
      aOptEscCode - The escape code to be used when processing an option, e.g. this can be an ANSI Escape-Code to highlight the option.
      aParamEscCode - The escape code to be used when processing am argument, e.g. this can be an ANSI Escape-Code to highlight the option.
      aResetEscCode - The escape code to close (reset) any Escape-Code being set before.
      The human readable (verbose) command line arguments syntax.