Interface SyntaxMetrics

All Superinterfaces:
ArgumentPrefixAccessor, ArgumentSuffixAccessor, LongOptionPrefixAccessor, ShortOptionPrefixAccessor
All Known Implementing Classes:
SyntaxMetricsImpl, SyntaxNotation

The SyntaxMetrics provides properties specific to a specific command line syntax notation.
  • Method Details

    • getAllSymbol

      String getAllSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol for representing an ALL condition.
      The according ALL symbol.
    • getAndSymbol

      String getAndSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol for representing an AND condition.
      The according AND symbol.
    • getAnySymbol

      String getAnySymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol for representing an OPTIONAL condition.
      The according OPTIONAL symbol.
    • getBeginArraySymbol

      String getBeginArraySymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the beginning of an array, e.g. an opening square brace.
      The symbol representing the beginning of an array.
    • getBeginListSymbol

      String getBeginListSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the beginning of a list, e.g. an opening brace.
      The symbol representing the beginning of a list.
    • getBeginOptionalSymbol

      String getBeginOptionalSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the beginning of optional elements, e.g. an opening square brace.
      The symbol representing the beginning of optional elements.
    • getBeginRangeSymbol

      String getBeginRangeSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the beginning of a range, e.g. an opening curly brace.
      The symbol representing the beginning of a range.
    • getEmptySymbol

      String getEmptySymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol for representing an EMPTY condition (no args).
      The according EMPTY symbol.
    • getEndArraySymbol

      String getEndArraySymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the end of an array, e.g. a closing square brace.
      The symbol representing the end of an array.
    • getEndListSymbol

      String getEndListSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the end of a list, e.g. a closing brace.
      The symbol representing the end of a list.
    • getEndOptionalSymbol

      String getEndOptionalSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the end of optional elements, e.g. a closing square brace.
      The symbol representing the end of a optional elements.
    • getEndRangeSymbol

      String getEndRangeSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing the end of a range, e.g. a closing curly brace.
      The symbol representing the end of a range.
    • getIntervalSymbol

      String getIntervalSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol representing an interval, e.g. "..." or "-".
      The symbol representing an interval.
    • getOrSymbol

      String getOrSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol for representing an OR condition.
      The according OR symbol.
    • getXorSymbol

      String getXorSymbol()
      Retrieves the symbol for representing an XOR condition.
      The according XOR symbol.
    • toOptionPrefixes

      default String[] toOptionPrefixes()
      Returns an array of the prefixes configured by this SyntaxMetrics instance, omitting any null or empty prefixes as well as any duplicates.
      The array containing the configured options' prefixes.