Class ModemMetricsImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ModemMetricsImpl

        public ModemMetricsImpl​(SampleRate aSampleRate,
                                ModulationFormat aModulationFormat,
                                ChannelSelector aChannelSelector,
                                ModemMode aModemModem,
                                FrequencyThreshold aFrequencyThreshold)
        Instantiates a new modem metrics impl.
        aSampleRate - the sample rate
        aModulationFormat - the modulation format
        aChannelSelector - the channel selector
        aModemModem - the modem modem
        aFrequencyThreshold - the frequency threshold
    • Method Detail

      • getSampleRate

        public SampleRate getSampleRate​()
        Retrieves the sample rate from the sample rate property.
        Specified by:
        getSampleRate in interface SampleRateAccessor
        The sample rate stored by the sample rate property.
      • getModulationFormat

        public ModulationFormat getModulationFormat​()
        Retrieves the modulation format from the pulse-code modulation format property.
        Specified by:
        getModulationFormat in interface ModulationFormatAccessor
        The modulation format stored by the pulse-code modulation format property.
      • getModemMode

        public ModemMode getModemMode​()
        Retrieves the Modem-Mode from the Modem-Mode property.
        Specified by:
        getModemMode in interface ModemModeAccessor
        The Modem-Mode stored by the Modem-Mode property.
      • toHigherFrequencyUpperThreshold

        public int toHigherFrequencyUpperThreshold​()
        Calculates the upper threshold for the higher frequency.
        Specified by:
        toHigherFrequencyUpperThreshold in interface ModemMetrics
        The according threshold.
      • toLowerFrequencyUpperThreshold

        public int toLowerFrequencyUpperThreshold​()
        Calculates the upper threshold for the lower frequency.
        Specified by:
        toLowerFrequencyUpperThreshold in interface ModemMetrics
        The according threshold.
      • toSamplesPerBit

        public int toSamplesPerBit​()
        Calculates the samples per bit.
        Specified by:
        toSamplesPerBit in interface ModemMetrics
        The according number of samples.