Interface Configurable<CTX>

Type Parameters:
CTX - the context used to initialize the implementing instance.
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComponentComposite.ExtendedComponentComposite<CTX,CON>, Configurable.ConfigureAutomaton<CTX>, ConfigurableComponent<CTX>, ConfigurableLifecycleComponent<CTX>, ConfigurableLifecycleComponent.ConfigurableLifecycleAutomaton<CTX>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComponentComposite.ExtendedCompositeComponentImpl, ConfigurableLifecycleAutomatonImpl

public interface Configurable<CTX>
This mixin might be implemented by a component in order to provide initialize facilities wit a configuration provided via initialize(Object).

In case a no context is to be provided to the initialize(Object) method (as it may have been passed via the constructor), you may use the Initializable interface with its Initializable.initialize() method, which does not require any arguments specifying a context.