Interface ResumableHandle.ResumeAutomatonHandle<H>

Type Parameters:
H - The type of the handle.
All Superinterfaces:
ResumableHandle<H>, RunningHandle<H>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComponentHandleComposite<H,REF>, ConfigurableLifecycleComponentHandle.ConfigurableLifecycleAutomatonHandle<H,CTX>, LifecycleComponentHandle.LifecycleAutomatonHandle<H>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ResumableHandle.ResumeAutomatonHandle<H> extends RunningHandle<H>, ResumableHandle<H>
The ResumableHandle.ResumeAutomatonHandle interface defines those methods related to the handle based resume life-cycle. The handle reference requires the Resumable.ResumeAutomaton interface to be implemented.
  • Method Details

    • hasResumeAutomaton

      boolean hasResumeAutomaton(H aHandle)
      Determines whether the handle reference is resumable by implementing the Resumable.ResumeAutomaton interface.
      aHandle - The handle to test whether the reference provides the according functionality.
      True in case the reference provides the according functionality.
      UnknownHandleRuntimeException - in case the handle is unknown.
    • isResumable

      boolean isResumable(H aHandle)
      Determines whether the component identified by the given handle may get resumed.
      aHandle - The handle identifying the component.
      True if ResumableHandle.resume(Object) is possible.
      UnknownHandleRuntimeException - in case the given handle is unknown.
      UnsupportedHandleOperationRuntimeException - in case the reference of the handle does not support the requested operation.