Class AbstractInterceptorComposite<I extends Interceptor<?,?>>

Type Parameters:
I - The type of Interceptor to be managed.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Interceptable<I>, InterceptorComposite<I>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssemblyInterceptorComposite, DelegationInterceptorComposite

public abstract class AbstractInterceptorComposite<I extends Interceptor<?,?>> extends Object implements InterceptorComposite<I>
The AbstractInterceptorComposite provides base functionality for working with Interceptor instances.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractInterceptorComposite

      public AbstractInterceptorComposite()
  • Method Details

    • hasInterceptor

      public boolean hasInterceptor(I aInterceptor)
      Tests whether the given Interceptor instance has been added.
      Specified by:
      hasInterceptor in interface Interceptable<I extends Interceptor<?,?>>
      aInterceptor - The Interceptor instance for which to test if it has been added.
      True if the given Interceptor instance has been added already.
    • addInterceptor

      public boolean addInterceptor(I aInterceptor)
      Adds the given Interceptor instance. The Interceptor instance itself acts as the handle which is used when removing the given Interceptor instance later.
      Specified by:
      addInterceptor in interface Interceptable<I extends Interceptor<?,?>>
      aInterceptor - The Interceptor instance which is to be added.
      True if the Interceptor instance has been added successfully. If the Interceptor instance has already been added, false is returned.
    • removeInterceptor

      public boolean removeInterceptor(I aInterceptor)
      Removes the Interceptor instance. In case the Interceptor instance has not been added before, then false is returned.
      Specified by:
      removeInterceptor in interface Interceptable<I extends Interceptor<?,?>>
      aInterceptor - The Interceptor instance which is to be removed.
      True if the Interceptor instance has been removed successfully. If there was none such Interceptor instance or if the Interceptor instance has already been removed, then false is returned.