Interface CriteriaFactory<Q>

Type Parameters:
Q - The type of the query statement, usually a String.
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CriteriaFactory<Q>
The CriteriaFactory constructs a Criteria (tree) from the provided query. The syntax of the query is implementation specific and may look as follows: ( ( ( City = 'Berlin' ) OR ( City = 'Munich' ) ) AND ( Surname = 'Miller' ) ) CAUTION: The syntax supported for the query statement is implementation depended! The ExpressionCriteriaFactoryImpl implements a CriteriaFactory being capable of parsing the above query.
$Id: $Id
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Criteria fromQuery​(Q aQuery)
    Parsed the given query and constructs a Criteria (tree).
  • Method Details

    • fromQuery

      Criteria fromQuery​(Q aQuery) throws ParseException
      Parsed the given query and constructs a Criteria (tree). Whether a CriteriaNode or just a CriteriaLeaf is returned depends on the complexity of the query.
      aQuery - The query to be parsed.
      A Criteria (tree) representing the query as an object oriented Criteria tree structure.
      ParseException - Thrown in case the query could not be parsed.