Interface PartitionQueryFactory<Q,​PS>

  • Type Parameters:
    Q - The type of the query statement, usually a String.
    PS - The type of the partition selector pointing at the according partition of a (database) cluster.
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PartitionQueryFactory<Q,​PS>
    extends QueryFactory<Q>
    The PartitionQueryFactory is a specialization of the QueryFactory in that it is capable of generating queries targeting at a dedicated partition of a (database) cluster, the partion's query does not contain obsolete query statements enhancing the database's query processing performance.
    $Id: $Id
    • Method Detail

      • fromCriteria

        Q fromCriteria​(Criteria aCriteria,
                       PS aPartionSelector)
        Generates a query from the provided Criteria (tree) similar to the QueryFactory.fromCriteria(Criteria) method, though providing support for targeting a dedicated partition in a (database) cluster.
        aCriteria - The Criteria from which to generate the query.
        aPartionSelector - The partition selector specifying a dedicated partition to be target by the query.
        A query generated from the provided Criteria (tree).