Class MessageBusEventImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ApplicationEvent, MessageBusEvent, org.refcodes.eventbus.GenericBusEvent<Enum<?>,org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,ApplicationBus>, org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor<Enum<?>>, org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor<Enum<?>>, org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor<Enum<?>>,<Enum<?>,org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData>,<Enum<?>,org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,ApplicationBus>,<Enum<?>>,<Enum<?>,org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData>

    public class MessageBusEventImpl
    extends ApplicationEventImpl
    implements MessageBusEvent
    Implementation of the MessageBusEvent.
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class<A extends Object,EM extends org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,SRC extends Object,B extends<A,EM,SRC,B>>
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor

        org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionBuilder<A extends Object,B extends org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionBuilder<A,B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionMutator<A extends Object>, org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor.ActionProperty<A extends Object>
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface<A extends Object,EM extends org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,SRC extends Object,B extends<A,EM,SRC,B>>
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.eventbus.GenericBusEvent

        org.refcodes.eventbus.GenericBusEvent.GenericBusEventBuilder<A extends Object,META extends org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,SRC extends org.refcodes.eventbus.GenericEventBus<?,?,?,?,?>,B extends org.refcodes.eventbus.GenericBusEvent.GenericBusEventBuilder<A,META,SRC,B>>
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor

        org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor.MessageMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor.MessageProperty
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor

        org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataBuilder<MD extends Object,B extends org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataBuilder<MD,B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataMutator<MD extends Object>, org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor.MetaDataProperty<MD extends Object>
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor

        org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor.SourceMutator<SRC extends Object>, org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor.SourceProperty<SRC extends Object>
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

      • Fields inherited from class

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getMessage​()
      String toString​()
      • Methods inherited from class

      • Methods inherited from class

      • Methods inherited from class

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(String aMessage,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with predefined values for the according properties retrieved from the caller's class.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aMessage,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with predefined values for the according properties retrieved from the caller's class.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aMessage,
                                   org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aMessage,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aMessage,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with predefined values for the according properties retrieved from the caller's class.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aMessage,
                                   String aAlias,
                                   String aGroup,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   String aUid,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given values for the according properties.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-ID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(String aMessage,
                                   org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(String aMessage,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(String aMessage,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with predefined values for the according properties retrieved from the caller's class.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(String aMessage,
                                   String aAlias,
                                   String aGroup,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   String aUid,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given values for the according properties.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-ID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(String aMessage,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given values for the according properties.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aChannel - The channel for the EventMetaData.
        aPublisherType - The name for the EventMetaData.
        aSource - The according source (origin).
      • MessageBusEventImpl

        public MessageBusEventImpl​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aMessage,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                   ApplicationBus aSource)
        Constructs an event with the given values for the according properties.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aMessage - The message to carry.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aSource - The source from which this event originated.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        public String getMessage​()
        Specified by:
        getMessage in interface org.refcodes.mixin.MessageAccessor
      • toString

        public String toString​()
        toString in class<Enum<?>,org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,ApplicationBus>