Interface ExceptionBus

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.component.Destroyable

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategyAccessor

        org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategyAccessor.DispatchStrategyMutator, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategyAccessor.DispatchStrategyProperty
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default String onException​(Class<?> aPublisherType,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction, Class<?> aPublisherType,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction, String aAlias, String aGroup, String aChannel, String aUid, Class<?> aPublisherType,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction, String aChannel,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(String aAlias, String aGroup, String aChannel, String aUid, Class<?> aPublisherType,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(String aChannel,<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
      default String onException​(<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
      Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, Class<?> aPublisherType)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, Class<?> aPublisherType, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, String aChannel)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, String aAlias, String aGroup, String aChannel, String aUid, Class<?> aPublisherType)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception for the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, String aAlias, String aGroup, String aChannel, String aUid, Class<?> aPublisherType, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, String aChannel, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction, Exception aException, org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, Class<?> aPublisherType)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, Class<?> aPublisherType, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, String aChannel)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, String aAlias, String aGroup, String aChannel, String aUid, Class<?> aPublisherType)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, String aAlias, String aGroup, String aChannel, String aUid, Class<?> aPublisherType, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, String aChannel, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      default void publishException​(Exception aException, org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData, org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
      Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.component.Destroyable

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategyAccessor

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.eventbus.EventBusObservable

        subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, unsubscribeAll
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.eventbus.GenericEventBus

        onAction, onAction, onActions, onActions, onAlias, onAlias, onCatchAll, onChannel, onChannel, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onEvent, onGroup, onGroup, onType, onUniversalId, onUniversalId, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent, publishEvent
      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.component.HandleLookup

        hasHandle, lookupHandle, removeHandle
    • Method Detail

      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      String aChannel)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      String aAlias,
                                      String aGroup,
                                      String aChannel,
                                      String aUid,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception for the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-TID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which the event represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which the event represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      String aChannel)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      String aAlias,
                                      String aGroup,
                                      String aChannel,
                                      String aUid,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-TID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      String aChannel,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      String aAlias,
                                      String aGroup,
                                      String aChannel,
                                      String aUid,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which this represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-TID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which the event represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                      Exception aException,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aAction - The action which the event represents.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      String aChannel,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      String aAlias,
                                      String aGroup,
                                      String aChannel,
                                      String aUid,
                                      Class<?> aPublisherType,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-TID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData aEventMetaData,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • publishException

        default void publishException​(Exception aException,
                                      org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aStrategy)
        Publishes an event with the provided exception and the given attributes.
        aException - The exception to be carried by the event.
        aStrategy - The DispatchStrategy to use when dispatching the event.
      • onException

        default String onException​(<ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(Class<?> aPublisherType,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(String aChannel,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(String aAlias,
                                   String aGroup,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   String aUid,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-TID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
        aAction - The action property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aChannel,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
        aAction - The action property.
        aChannel - The channel name on which the event is receivable.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                                   String aAlias,
                                   String aGroup,
                                   String aChannel,
                                   String aUid,
                                   Class<?> aPublisherType,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes.
        aAction - The action property.
        aAlias - The alias property.
        aGroup - The group property.
        aChannel - The channel property.
        aUid - The UID (Universal-TID) property.
        aPublisherType - The type of the event publisher.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.
      • onException

        default String onException​(Enum<?> aAction,
                         <ExceptionBusEvent> aObserver)
        Similar to the more generic method EventBusObservable.subscribe(EventMatcher, Observer) THOUGH subscribes for ExceptionBusEvent instances with the given attributes. Your Observable may be of the required type!
        aAction - The action property.
        aObserver - The observer to be notified.
        A handle to unsubscribe this combination.