Class BugException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ErrorCodeAccessor, Trap

public class BugException extends AbstractRuntimeException
A bug exception is thrown when it surely must be a bug when reaching the place when the BugException is being thrown. Example: In case an enumeration is evaluated and an "unexpected" enumeration value is identified by the code (it does not know how to continue with that explicit enumeration value), then either the enumeration has been wrongly extended by new values or the code as not been extended to process that newly added enumeration. Her in a switch / case's "default" block you may throw a BugException.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BugException

      public BugException(String aMessage)
      Instantiates a new bug exception.
      aMessage - the message
    • BugException

      public BugException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Instantiates a new bug exception.
      message - the message
      cause - the cause
    • BugException

      public BugException(Throwable cause)
      Instantiates a new bug exception.
      cause - the cause
    • BugException

      public BugException(String aMessage, String aErrorCode)
      Instantiates a new bug exception.
      aMessage - the message
      aErrorCode - the error code
    • BugException

      public BugException(String aMessage, Throwable aCause, String aErrorCode)
      Instantiates a new bug exception.
      aMessage - the message
      aCause - the cause
      aErrorCode - the error code
    • BugException

      public BugException(Throwable aCause, String aErrorCode)
      Instantiates a new bug exception.
      aCause - the cause
      aErrorCode - the error code