Class AbstractEncryptionService

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractEncryptionService

        public AbstractEncryptionService​(String aNamespace,
                                         EncryptionServer aEncryptionServer,
                                         CipherVersionGenerator<CipherVersion> aCipherVersionGenerator)
        Constructs the service with the required services and configuration.
        aNamespace - The name space to which this service belongs
        aEncryptionServer - The server to which the service is being "connected"
        aCipherVersionGenerator - The generator to be used for generating CipherVersion instances.
    • Method Detail

      • toEncryptedCipherVersion

        protected abstract <CV extends CipherVersion> CV toEncryptedCipherVersion​(CV aDecyrptedCipherVersion)
        Hook factory method to be implemented by subclasses. The provided cipher is to be encrypted (e.g. with the public key of an asymmetric encryption approach) so that an Encryption-Server only receives encrypted data.
        Type Parameters:
        CV - The type of the CipherVersion to be used.
        aDecyrptedCipherVersion - The CipherVersion to be encrypted.
        The encrypted CipherVersion.