Class LoopbackDecryptionService

    • Constructor Detail

      • LoopbackDecryptionService

        public LoopbackDecryptionService​(String aNamespace,
                                         InMemoryDecryptionServer aDecryptionServer)
        To prevent accidental use in productive environment this insecure implementation of the DecryptionService has been marked as being deprecated; please use only for testing purposes.
    • Method Detail

      • toSignature

        protected String toSignature​(String aMessage)
        Creates a signature for the given message.
        Specified by:
        toSignature in class AbstractDecryptionService
        aMessage - The message for which a signature is to be generated
        The signature for the message
      • createMessage

        protected String createMessage()
        Creates a message for which a signature is to be created in order to authenticate for the retrieval of the cipher versions. A decryption server should deny any requests to get cipher versions in case the same message is used twice.
        Specified by:
        createMessage in class AbstractDecryptionService
        The message
      • toDecryptedCipherVersion

        protected <CV extends CipherVersion> CV toDecryptedCipherVersion​(CV aEncryptedCipherVersion)
        To prevent accidental use in productive environment this insecure implementation of the DecryptionService has been marked as being deprecated; please use only for testing purposes.
        Hook factory method to be implemented by subclasses. The provided cipher is to be decrypted (e.g. with the private key of an asymmetric encryption approach) so that an decryption server only receives encrypted data. CAUTION: The encrypted CipherVersion argument is returned unmodified (not decrypted!). Please overwrite this method with a decrypting one!
        Specified by:
        toDecryptedCipherVersion in class AbstractDecryptionService
        Type Parameters:
        CV - The type of the CipherVersion to be used.
        aEncryptedCipherVersion - The CipherVersion to be decrypted.
        The decrypted CipherVersion.