Interface Pixmap.PixmapMutator<PX>

Type Parameters:
PX - the generic type
All Known Subinterfaces:
Pixmap.PixmapBuilder<PX,​B>, Pixmap.PixmapProperty<PX>, RgbPixmap.RgbPixmapBuilder, RgbPixmap.RgbPixmapMutator, RgbPixmap.RgbPixmapProperty
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Pixmap.PixmapMutator<PX>
Provides a mutator for a pixmap property.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void setPixelAt​(PX aPixel, int aPosX, int aPosY)
    Sets a pixel in the pixmap.
    void setPixels​(PX[][] aPixels)
    Sets the pixels.
  • Method Details

    • setPixelAt

      void setPixelAt​(PX aPixel, int aPosX, int aPosY) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Sets a pixel in the pixmap.
      aPixel - The pixel to be placed at the given position.
      aPosX - The x position of the pixel.
      aPosY - The y position of the pixel.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case the index is out of bounds.
    • setPixels

      void setPixels​(PX[][] aPixels)
      Sets the pixels.
      aPixels - the new pixels