Interface Pixmap.PixmapBuilder<PX,B extends Pixmap.PixmapBuilder<PX,B>>

Type Parameters:
PX - The type of the pixel being managed by the Pixmap.
B - The builder to return in order to be able to apply multiple build operations.
All Superinterfaces:
HeightAccessor, Pixmap<PX>, Pixmap.PixmapMutator<PX>, Pixmap.PixmapProperty<PX>, WidthAccessor
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Pixmap.PixmapBuilder<PX,B extends Pixmap.PixmapBuilder<PX,B>> extends Pixmap.PixmapProperty<PX>
Provides a builder method for a pixmap property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
  • Method Details

    • mergeWith

      default void mergeWith(B aSourcePixmap, int aSourcePosX, int aSourcePosY, boolean isWrapHorizontically, boolean isWrapVertically, int aDestionationPosX, int aDestionationPosY, int aWidth, int aHeight)
      Merges this Pixmap with the provided source Pixmap.
      aSourcePixmap - The source Pixmap with which to merge.
      aSourcePosX - The X position in the source Pixmap from which to start merging.
      aSourcePosY - The Y position in the source Pixmap from which to start merging.
      isWrapHorizontically - True in case merging is to be continued on the left when reaching the Pixmap bounds on the right.
      isWrapVertically - True in case merging is to be continued on the top when reaching the Pixmap bounds on the bottom.
      aDestionationPosX - the destionation pos X
      aDestionationPosY - the destionation pos Y
      aWidth - The merge window's width.
      aHeight - The merge window's height.
    • mergeWith

      default void mergeWith(B aSourcePixmap, int aSourcePosX, int aSourcePosY, boolean isWrapHorizontically, boolean isWrapVertically, int aDestinationPosX, int aDestinationPosY, int aWidth, int aHeight, Color aTransparency)
      Merges this Pixmap with the provided source Pixmap.
      aSourcePixmap - The source Pixmap with which to merge.
      aSourcePosX - The X position in the source Pixmap from which to start merging.
      aSourcePosY - The Y position in the source Pixmap from which to start merging.
      isWrapHorizontically - True in case merging is to be continued on the left when reaching the Pixmap bounds on the right.
      isWrapVertically - True in case merging is to be continued on the top when reaching the Pixmap bounds on the bottom.
      aDestinationPosX - The X position in the destination Pixmap from which to start merging.
      aDestinationPosY - The Y position in the destination Pixmap from which to start merging.
      aWidth - The merge window's width.
      aHeight - The merge window's height.
      aTransparency - The color indicating transparency, null when to be ignored.
    • mergeColorArrays

      default void mergeColorArrays(Pixmap<PX> aSourceColorArray)
      Merge color arrays.
      aSourceColorArray - the source color array
    • withPixelAt

      B withPixelAt(PX aPixel, int aPosX, int aPosY) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Sets the pixmap for the pixmap property.
      aPixel - the pixel
      aPosX - the pos X
      aPosY - the pos Y
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case the index is out of bounds.
    • withPixels

      B withPixels(PX[][] aPixels)
      With pixels.
      aPixels - the pixels
      the b