Interface Rectangle.RectangleBuilder<B extends Rectangle.RectangleBuilder<B>>

Type Parameters:
B - the generic type
All Superinterfaces:
Dimension.DimensionBuilder<B>, HeightAccessor.HeightBuilder<B>, Position.PositionBuilder<B>, Position.PositionMutator, PosXAccessor.PosXBuilder<B>, PosXAccessor.PosXMutator, PosYAccessor.PosYBuilder<B>, PosYAccessor.PosYMutator, WidthAccessor.WidthBuilder<B>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Rectangle.RectangleBuilder<B extends Rectangle.RectangleBuilder<B>> extends Dimension.DimensionBuilder<B>, Position.PositionBuilder<B>
Provides a builder for a rectangle property (dimension and height).
  • Method Details

    • withRectangle

      B withRectangle(int aPositionX, int aPositionY, int aWidth, int aHeight)
      With rectangle.
      aPositionX - The X position of the rectangle.
      aPositionY - The Y position of the rectangle.
      aWidth - The width of the rectangle.
      aHeight - The height of the rectangle.
      The invoked instance as of the builder pattern.
    • withRectangle

      B withRectangle(Rectangle aRectangle)
      With rectangle.
      aRectangle - The rectangle's metrics to set.
      The invoked instance as of the builder pattern.