Class HalMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Map<String,String>, org.refcodes.mixin.AnnotatorAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.Clearable, org.refcodes.mixin.DelimiterAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.Dumpable, org.refcodes.mixin.EmptyAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.TypeAccessor<String>, org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMap, org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMap.CanonicalMapBuilder, org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMap.MutableCanonicalMap, org.refcodes.struct.Containable, org.refcodes.struct.Dictionary<String,String>, org.refcodes.struct.Dictionary.MutableDictionary<String,String>, org.refcodes.struct.Dictionary.MutableDictionary.DictionaryBuilder<String,String,org.refcodes.struct.PathMap.PathMapBuilder<String>>, org.refcodes.struct.InterOperableMap<String>, org.refcodes.struct.InterOperableMap.InterOperableMapBuilder<String>, org.refcodes.struct.InterOperableMap.MutableInterOperableMap<String>, org.refcodes.struct.Keys<String,String>, org.refcodes.struct.Keys.MutableKeys<String,String>, org.refcodes.struct.Keys.MutableValues<String,String>, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String>, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap.MutablePathMap<String>, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap.PathMapBuilder<String>
Direct Known Subclasses:
HalData, HalStruct

public class HalMap extends org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMapBuilderImpl
Common type for HAL related data. The HalMap extends the CanonicalMapBuilderImpl class. The path delimiter as of PathMapBuilderImpl.getDelimiter() is set to be the Delimiter.PATH character.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • HalMap

      public HalMap()
      Create an empty HalData instance using the public path delimiter "/" (Delimiter.PATH) for the path declarations.
    • HalMap

      public HalMap(Object aObj)
      Create a HalData instance containing the elements as of PathMap.MutablePathMap.insert(Object) using the public path delimiter "/" (Delimiter.PATH) for the path declarations.
      aObj - The object from which the elements are to be added.
    • HalMap

      public HalMap(Object aObj, String aFromPath)
      Creates a HalData instance containing the elements as of PathMap.MutablePathMap.insert(Object) using the public path delimiter "/" (Delimiter.PATH) for the path declarations.
      aObj - The object from which the elements are to be added.
      aFromPath - The path from where to start adding elements of the provided object.
    • HalMap

      public HalMap(String aToPath, Object aObj)
      Create a HalData instance containing the elements as of PathMap.MutablePathMap.insert(Object) using the public path delimiter "/" (Delimiter.PATH) for the path declarations.
      aToPath - The sub-path where to insert the object's introspected values to.
      aObj - The object from which the elements are to be added.
    • HalMap

      public HalMap(String aToPath, Object aObj, String aFromPath)
      Creates a HalData instance containing the elements as of PathMap.MutablePathMap.insert(Object) using the public path delimiter "/" (Delimiter.PATH for the path declarations.
      aToPath - The sub-path where to insert the object's introspected values to.
      aObj - The object from which the elements are to be added.
      aFromPath - The path from where to start adding elements of the provided object.
  • Method Details

    • getDirAt

      public HalMap getDirAt(int aIndex)
    • getDirAt

      public HalMap getDirAt(String aPath, int aIndex)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(Collection<?> aPathElements, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(Collection<?> aPathElements, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(Object aPath, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(Object aPath, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(Object[] aPathElements, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(Object[] aPathElements, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(String aPath, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(String aPath, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(String[] aPathElements, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • putDirAt

      public HalMap putDirAt(String[] aPathElements, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • query

      public HalMap query(Collection<?> aQueryElements)
    • query

      public HalMap query(Object... aQueryElements)
    • query

      public HalMap query(Pattern aRegExp)
    • query

      public HalMap query(String aPathQuery)
    • query

      public HalMap query(String... aQueryElements)
    • queryBetween

      public HalMap queryBetween(Collection<?> aFromPath, Collection<?> aPathQuery, Collection<?> aToPath)
    • queryBetween

      public HalMap queryBetween(Object aFromPath, Object aPathQuery, Object aToPath)
    • queryBetween

      public HalMap queryBetween(Object[] aFromPath, Object[] aPathQuery, Object[] aToPath)
    • queryBetween

      public HalMap queryBetween(String aFromPath, Pattern aRegExp, String aToPath)
    • queryBetween

      public HalMap queryBetween(String aFromPath, String aPathQuery, String aToPath)
    • queryBetween

      public HalMap queryBetween(String[] aFromPath, String[] aPathQuery, String[] aToPath)
    • queryFrom

      public HalMap queryFrom(Collection<?> aPathQuery, Collection<?> aFromPath)
    • queryFrom

      public HalMap queryFrom(Object aPathQuery, Object aFromPath)
    • queryFrom

      public HalMap queryFrom(Object[] aPathQuery, Object[] aFromPath)
    • queryFrom

      public HalMap queryFrom(Pattern aRegExp, String aFromPath)
    • queryFrom

      public HalMap queryFrom(String aPathQuery, String aFromPath)
    • queryFrom

      public HalMap queryFrom(String[] aPathQuery, String[] aFromPath)
    • queryTo

      public HalMap queryTo(Collection<?> aPathQuery, String aToPath)
    • queryTo

      public HalMap queryTo(Object aPathQuery, String aToPath)
    • queryTo

      public HalMap queryTo(Object[] aPathQuery, String aToPath)
    • queryTo

      public HalMap queryTo(Pattern aRegExp, String aToPath)
    • queryTo

      public HalMap queryTo(String aPathQuery, String aToPath)
    • queryTo

      public HalMap queryTo(String[] aPathQuery, String aToPath)
    • removeAll

      public HalMap removeAll(Collection<?> aPathQueryElements)
    • removeAll

      public HalMap removeAll(Object... aPathQueryElements)
    • removeAll

      public HalMap removeAll(Object aPathQuery)
    • removeAll

      public HalMap removeAll(Pattern aRegExp)
    • removeAll

      public HalMap removeAll(String... aPathQueryElements)
    • removeAll

      public HalMap removeAll(String aPathQuery)
    • removeDirAt

      public HalMap removeDirAt(int aIndex)
    • removeDirAt

      public HalMap removeDirAt(Object aPath, int aIndex)
    • removeDirAt

      public HalMap removeDirAt(Object[] aPathElements, int aIndex)
    • removeDirAt

      public HalMap removeDirAt(String aPath, int aIndex)
    • removeDirAt

      public HalMap removeDirAt(String[] aPathElements, int aIndex)
    • removeFrom

      public HalMap removeFrom(Object... aPathElements)
    • removeFrom

      public HalMap removeFrom(Object aPath)
    • removeFrom

      public HalMap removeFrom(String aPath)
    • removeFrom

      public HalMap removeFrom(String... aPathElements)
    • removePaths

      public HalMap removePaths(Collection<?> aPaths)
    • removePaths

      public HalMap removePaths(String... aPaths)
    • retrieveBetween

      public HalMap retrieveBetween(Collection<?> aFromPath, Collection<?> aToPath)
    • retrieveBetween

      public HalMap retrieveBetween(Object aFromPath, Object aToPath)
    • retrieveBetween

      public HalMap retrieveBetween(Object[] aFromPath, Object[] aToPath)
    • retrieveBetween

      public HalMap retrieveBetween(String aFromPath, String aToPath)
    • retrieveBetween

      public HalMap retrieveBetween(String[] aFromPath, String[] aToPath)
    • retrieveFrom

      public HalMap retrieveFrom(Collection<?> aPathElements)
    • retrieveFrom

      public HalMap retrieveFrom(Object aParentPath)
    • retrieveFrom

      public HalMap retrieveFrom(Object... aPathElements)
    • retrieveFrom

      public HalMap retrieveFrom(String aFromPath)
      Specified by:
      retrieveFrom in interface org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMap
      Specified by:
      retrieveFrom in interface org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String>
      retrieveFrom in class org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMapBuilderImpl
    • retrieveFrom

      public HalMap retrieveFrom(String... aPathElements)
    • retrieveTo

      public HalMap retrieveTo(Collection<?> aToPathElements)
    • retrieveTo

      public HalMap retrieveTo(Object aToPath)
    • retrieveTo

      public HalMap retrieveTo(Object... aToPathElements)
    • retrieveTo

      public HalMap retrieveTo(String aToPath)
      Specified by:
      retrieveTo in interface org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMap
      Specified by:
      retrieveTo in interface org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String>
      retrieveTo in class org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMapBuilderImpl
    • retrieveTo

      public HalMap retrieveTo(String... aToPathElements)
    • toPayload

      public org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMap.CanonicalMapBuilder toPayload()
      Creates a vanilla plain HalData instance from this HalMap (e.g. HalData or HalStruct) excluding all Meta-Data and only including the actual payload.
      The accordingly HalData instance.
    • toType

      public <T> T toType(Class<T> aType)
    • toType

      public <T> T toType(String aFromPath, Class<T> aType)
      Specified by:
      toType in interface org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String>
      toType in class org.refcodes.struct.PathMapBuilderImpl<String>
    • withInsert

      public HalMap withInsert(Object aObj)
    • withInsert

      public HalMap withInsert(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(Collection<?> aToPathElements, Object aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(Collection<?> aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(Object aToPath, Object aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(Object aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(Object[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom, Object[] aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(Object[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object[] aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(String aToPath, Object aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(String aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(String[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom, String[] aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertBetween

      public HalMap withInsertBetween(String[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String[] aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(Object aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(Object aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(Object aFrom, Object... aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(Object aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(Object aFrom, String... aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object... aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withInsertFrom

      public HalMap withInsertFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String... aFromPathElements)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(Collection<?> aToPathElements, Object aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(Collection<?> aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(Object aToPath, Object aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(Object aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(Object[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(Object[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(String aToPath, Object aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(String aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(String[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom)
    • withInsertTo

      public HalMap withInsertTo(String[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withMerge

      public HalMap withMerge(Object aObj)
    • withMerge

      public HalMap withMerge(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(Collection<?> aToPathElements, Object aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(Collection<?> aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(Object aToPath, Object aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(Object aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(Object[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom, Object[] aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(Object[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object[] aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(String aToPath, Object aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(String aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(String[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom, String[] aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeBetween

      public HalMap withMergeBetween(String[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String[] aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(Object aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(Object aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(Object aFrom, Object... aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(Object aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(Object aFrom, String... aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Collection<?> aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object aFromPath)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, Object... aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String aFromPath)
    • withMergeFrom

      public HalMap withMergeFrom(org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom, String... aFromPathElements)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(Collection<?> aToPathElements, Object aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(Collection<?> aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(Object aToPath, Object aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(Object aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(Object[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(Object[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(String aToPath, Object aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(String aToPath, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(String[] aToPathElements, Object aFrom)
    • withMergeTo

      public HalMap withMergeTo(String[] aToPathElements, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aFrom)
    • withPut

      public HalMap withPut(Collection<?> aPathElements, String aValue)
    • withPut

      public HalMap withPut(Object[] aPathElements, String aValue)
    • withPut

      public HalMap withPut(org.refcodes.struct.Property aProperty)
    • withPut

      public HalMap withPut(org.refcodes.struct.Relation<String,String> aProperty)
    • withPut

      public HalMap withPut(String aKey, String aValue)
      Specified by:
      withPut in interface org.refcodes.struct.Dictionary.MutableDictionary.DictionaryBuilder<String,String,org.refcodes.struct.PathMap.PathMapBuilder<String>>
      Specified by:
      withPut in interface org.refcodes.struct.InterOperableMap.InterOperableMapBuilder<String>
      withPut in class org.refcodes.struct.CanonicalMapBuilderImpl
    • withPut

      public HalMap withPut(String[] aKey, String aValue)
    • withPutBoolean

      public HalMap withPutBoolean(Collection<?> aPathElements, Boolean aValue)
    • withPutBoolean

      public HalMap withPutBoolean(Object aKey, Boolean aValue)
    • withPutBoolean

      public HalMap withPutBoolean(Object[] aPathElements, Boolean aValue)
    • withPutBoolean

      public HalMap withPutBoolean(String aKey, Boolean aValue)
    • withPutBoolean

      public HalMap withPutBoolean(String[] aPathElements, Boolean aValue)
    • withPutByte

      public HalMap withPutByte(Collection<?> aPathElements, Byte aValue)
    • withPutByte

      public HalMap withPutByte(Object aKey, Byte aValue)
    • withPutByte

      public HalMap withPutByte(Object[] aPathElements, Byte aValue)
    • withPutByte

      public HalMap withPutByte(String aKey, Byte aValue)
    • withPutByte

      public HalMap withPutByte(String[] aPathElements, Byte aValue)
    • withPutChar

      public HalMap withPutChar(Collection<?> aPathElements, Character aValue)
    • withPutChar

      public HalMap withPutChar(Object aKey, Character aValue)
    • withPutChar

      public HalMap withPutChar(Object[] aPathElements, Character aValue)
    • withPutChar

      public HalMap withPutChar(String aKey, Character aValue)
    • withPutChar

      public HalMap withPutChar(String[] aPathElements, Character aValue)
    • withPutClass

      public <C> HalMap withPutClass(Collection<?> aPathElements, Class<C> aValue)
    • withPutClass

      public <C> HalMap withPutClass(Object aKey, Class<C> aValue)
    • withPutClass

      public <C> HalMap withPutClass(Object[] aPathElements, Class<C> aValue)
    • withPutClass

      public <C> HalMap withPutClass(String aKey, Class<C> aValue)
    • withPutClass

      public <C> HalMap withPutClass(String[] aPathElements, Class<C> aValue)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(Collection<?> aPathElements, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(Collection<?> aPathElements, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(Object aPath, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(Object aPath, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(Object[] aPathElements, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(Object[] aPathElements, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(String aPath, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(String aPath, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(String[] aPathElements, int aIndex, Object aDir)
    • withPutDirAt

      public HalMap withPutDirAt(String[] aPathElements, int aIndex, org.refcodes.struct.PathMap<String> aDir)
    • withPutDouble

      public HalMap withPutDouble(Collection<?> aPathElements, Double aValue)
    • withPutDouble

      public HalMap withPutDouble(Object aKey, Double aValue)
    • withPutDouble

      public HalMap withPutDouble(Object[] aPathElements, Double aValue)
    • withPutDouble

      public HalMap withPutDouble(String aKey, Double aValue)
    • withPutDouble

      public HalMap withPutDouble(String[] aPathElements, Double aValue)
    • withPutEnum

      public <E extends Enum<E>> HalMap withPutEnum(Collection<?> aPathElements, E aValue)
    • withPutEnum

      public <E extends Enum<E>> HalMap withPutEnum(Object aKey, E aValue)
    • withPutEnum

      public <E extends Enum<E>> HalMap withPutEnum(Object[] aPathElements, E aValue)
    • withPutEnum

      public <E extends Enum<E>> HalMap withPutEnum(String aKey, E aValue)
    • withPutEnum

      public <E extends Enum<E>> HalMap withPutEnum(String[] aPathElements, E aValue)
    • withPutFloat

      public HalMap withPutFloat(Collection<?> aPathElements, Float aValue)
    • withPutFloat

      public HalMap withPutFloat(Object aKey, Float aValue)
    • withPutFloat

      public HalMap withPutFloat(Object[] aPathElements, Float aValue)
    • withPutFloat

      public HalMap withPutFloat(String aKey, Float aValue)
    • withPutFloat

      public HalMap withPutFloat(String[] aPathElements, Float aValue)
    • withPutInt

      public HalMap withPutInt(Collection<?> aPathElements, Integer aValue)
    • withPutInt

      public HalMap withPutInt(Object aKey, Integer aValue)
    • withPutInt

      public HalMap withPutInt(Object[] aPathElements, Integer aValue)
    • withPutInt

      public HalMap withPutInt(String aKey, Integer aValue)
    • withPutInt

      public HalMap withPutInt(String[] aPathElements, Integer aValue)
    • withPutLong

      public HalMap withPutLong(Collection<?> aPathElements, Long aValue)
    • withPutLong

      public HalMap withPutLong(Object aKey, Long aValue)
    • withPutLong

      public HalMap withPutLong(Object[] aPathElements, Long aValue)
    • withPutLong

      public HalMap withPutLong(String aKey, Long aValue)
    • withPutLong

      public HalMap withPutLong(String[] aPathElements, Long aValue)
    • withPutShort

      public HalMap withPutShort(Collection<?> aPathElements, Short aValue)
    • withPutShort

      public HalMap withPutShort(Object aKey, Short aValue)
    • withPutShort

      public HalMap withPutShort(Object[] aPathElements, Short aValue)
    • withPutShort

      public HalMap withPutShort(String aKey, Short aValue)
    • withPutShort

      public HalMap withPutShort(String[] aPathElements, Short aValue)
    • withPutString

      public HalMap withPutString(Collection<?> aPathElements, String aValue)
    • withPutString

      public HalMap withPutString(Object aKey, String aValue)
    • withPutString

      public HalMap withPutString(Object[] aPathElements, String aValue)
    • withPutString

      public HalMap withPutString(String aKey, String aValue)
    • withPutString

      public HalMap withPutString(String[] aPathElements, String aValue)
    • withRemoveFrom

      public HalMap withRemoveFrom(Collection<?> aPathElements)
    • withRemoveFrom

      public HalMap withRemoveFrom(Object aPath)
    • withRemoveFrom

      public HalMap withRemoveFrom(Object... aPathElements)
    • withRemoveFrom

      public HalMap withRemoveFrom(String aPath)
    • withRemoveFrom

      public HalMap withRemoveFrom(String... aPathElements)
    • withRemovePaths

      public HalMap withRemovePaths(String... aPathElements)