Class LineBreakOutputStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • LineBreakOutputStream

        public LineBreakOutputStream​(OutputStream aOutputStream,
                                     int aLineWidth,
                                     String aLineBreak)
        Constructs a LineBreakOutputStream with the given arguments used for configuration.
        aOutputStream - The OutputStream to be wrapped.
        aLineWidth - The line with after which to insert a line break, a line width of -1 does not insert any line breaks at all.
        aLineBreak - The line break chars to use.
      • LineBreakOutputStream

        public LineBreakOutputStream​(OutputStream aOutputStream,
                                     int aLineWidth)
        Constructs a LineBreakOutputStream with the given arguments used for configuration. The line break characters used are the ones used by the underlying operating system.
        aOutputStream - The OutputStream to be wrapped.
        aLineWidth - The line with after which to insert a line break, a line width of -1 does not insert any line breaks at all.