Interface ByteDestination

All Known Subinterfaces:
BidirectionalConnectionByteTransceiver<INPUT,OUTPUT>, BidirectionalStreamConnectionByteTransceiver, ByteReceiver, BytesDestination, BytesReceiver, BytesTransceiver, ByteTransceiver, ConnectionBytesReceiver<CON>, ConnectionBytesTransceiver<CON>, InputStreamConnectionByteReceiver
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBytesDestination, AbstractBytesReceiver, AbstractInputStreamByteReceiver, AbstractPrefetchInputStreamByteReceiver, BidirectionalStreamByteTransceiver, BidirectionalStreamConnectionByteTransceiverImpl, ByteArrayReceiver, BytesReceiverDecorator, InputStreamByteReceiver, InputStreamConnectionByteReceiverImpl, LoopbackBytesReceiver, LoopbackBytesTransceiver, PrefetchBidirectionalStreamByteTransceiver, PrefetchBidirectionalStreamConnectionByteTransceiver, PrefetchInputStreamByteReceiver, PrefetchInputStreamConnectionByteReceiver
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface ByteDestination
The ByteDestination is used to receive bytes in a unified way. The receiveByte() method provides the next available byte from the counterpart DatagramTransmitter; in case there is none available, then this method halts until one is available.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Reads (receives) the next byte, in case none byte is available, then this method blocks until one is available.
  • Method Details

    • receiveByte

      byte receiveByte() throws IOException
      Reads (receives) the next byte, in case none byte is available, then this method blocks until one is available.
      The next byte available .
      IOException - Thrown in case opening or accessing an open line (connection, junction, link) caused problems.
      EOFException - Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.