Interface LogDecorator

All Known Subinterfaces:
Logger<T>, QueryLogger<T>, RuntimeLogger, TrimLogger<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeLoggerImpl, CompositeQueryLoggerImpl, CompositeTrimLoggerImpl, PartedLoggerImpl, PartedQueryLoggerImpl, PartedTrimLoggerImpl, RuntimeLoggerImpl, RuntimeLoggerSingleton, SystemLogger

public interface LogDecorator
The LogDecorator provides means to beautify or enrich logs for example when printing user friendly logs to the console. Calling the methods of this decorator might have no effect, depending on the logger implementing these methods. This is because decorating information adds no additional information value than just beautifying log output.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Prints the logger's head in case it hasn't been printed before or printTail() has been called.
    default void
    Prints a separator line in case the underlying Logger supports the such.
    default void
    Prints the logger's tail in case it hasn't been printed before or printHead() has been called.
  • Method Details

    • printSeparator

      default void printSeparator()
      Prints a separator line in case the underlying Logger supports the such. A separator line may be printed just as of beautifying purposes and does not belong to the actual log's data. Therefore this method may just do nothing, depending on the implementing class.
    • printHead

      default void printHead()
      Prints the logger's head in case it hasn't been printed before or printTail() has been called. Printing the head might result in printing out the additional logger's information such as the column names.
    • printTail

      default void printTail()
      Prints the logger's tail in case it hasn't been printed before or printHead() has been called. Printing the tail might result in printing out the additional logger's information or visually finishing the current log sequence.