Class PathMatcherImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • PathMatcherImpl

        public PathMatcherImpl​(String aPathPattern)
        Constructs an ANT Path Matcher, matching its ANT path pattern against the path provided to the isMatching(String) method. The is used as default path delimiter. The PathMatcherImpl applies the following rules from the ANT path pattern to the path provided via isMatching(String) method: A single asterisk ("**" as of Wildcard.FILE) matches zero or more characters within a path name. A double asterisk ("**" as of Wildcard.PATH) matches zero or more characters across directory levels. A question mark ("?" as of Wildcard.CHAR) matches exactly one character within a path name.
        aPathPattern - The pattern to be used when matching a path via isMatching(String).
      • PathMatcherImpl

        public PathMatcherImpl​(String aPathPattern,
                               char aDelimiter)
        Constructs an ANT Path Matcher, matching its ANT path pattern against the path provided to the isMatching(String) method. The is used as default path delimiter. The PathMatcherImpl applies the following rules from the ANT path pattern to the path provided via isMatching(String) method: A single asterisk ("**" as of Wildcard.FILE) matches zero or more characters within a path name. A double asterisk ("**" as of Wildcard.PATH) matches zero or more characters across directory levels. A question mark ("?" as of Wildcard.CHAR) matches exactly one character within a path name.
        aPathPattern - The pattern to be used when matching a path via isMatching(String).
        aDelimiter - The delimiter separating the path elements from each other and must not be one of the following chars: '?', '*', '|'.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown in case the delimiter provided was one of the following chars: '?', '*', '|'.
    • Method Detail

      • getWildcardNames

        public String[] getWildcardNames()
        Retrieves the list of wildcard names identifying the wildcards as specified by the path pattern.
        Specified by:
        getWildcardNames in interface PathMatcher
        Specified by:
        getWildcardNames in interface WildcardMatcher
        The wild card names or null of no wild card names have been defined.
      • isMatching

        public boolean isMatching​(String aPath)
        The this method applies the following rules from the configured ANT path pattern to the path provided via PathMatcher.isMatching(String) method: A single asterisk ("*" as of Wildcard.FILE) matches zero or more characters within a path name. A double asterisk ("**" as of Wildcard.PATH) matches zero or more characters across directory levels. A question mark ("?" as of Wildcard.CHAR) matches exactly one character within a path name Tests whether the given event is matching the mathcer's criteria.
        Specified by:
        isMatching in interface Matcher<String>
        Specified by:
        isMatching in interface PathMatcher
        aPath - The matchee used for testing matchability.
        True in case the matchee matches the matcher's criteria, else false.
      • toWildcardReplacementAt

        public String toWildcardReplacementAt​(String aPath,
                                              int aIndex)
        Returns the wildcard substitute for the wildcards in your path pattern (see PathMatcher.getPathPattern()) compared to the actual path (as of PathMatcher.toWildcardSubstitutes(String)). The text of the wildcard substitute aligns to the index of the wildcard (from left to right) as defined in your path pattern.
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacementAt in interface PathMatcher
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacementAt in interface WildcardMatcher
        aPath - The path for which to retrieve the wildcard substitutes.
        aIndex - The index of the wildcard in question for which to retrieve the substitute.
        The text substituting the wildcard at the given path pattern's wildcard index or null if there is none such substitute.
      • toWildcardReplacementsAt

        public String[] toWildcardReplacementsAt​(String aPath,
                                                 int... aIndexes)
        Returns the wildcard substitutes for the wildcards in your path pattern (see PathMatcher.getPathPattern()) compared to the actual path (as of PathMatcher.toWildcardSubstitutes(String)). The text of the wildcard substitutes aligns to the indexes of the wildcard (from left to right) as defined in your path pattern.
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacementsAt in interface PathMatcher
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacementsAt in interface WildcardMatcher
        aPath - The path for which to retrieve the wildcard substitutes.
        aIndexes - The indexes of the wildcards in question for which to retrieve the substitutes.
        The text substituting the wildcards at the given path pattern's wildcard indexes or null if there is none such substitute.
      • toWildcardReplacement

        public String toWildcardReplacement​(String aPath,
                                            String aWildcardName)
        Returns the wildcard substitute for the wildcards in your path pattern (see PathMatcher.getPathPattern()) compared to the actual path (as of PathMatcher.toWildcardSubstitutes(String)). The text of the wildcard substitute aligns to the name of the wildcard (as defined in your path pattern).
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacement in interface PathMatcher
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacement in interface WildcardMatcher
        aPath - The path for which to retrieve the wildcard substitutes.
        aWildcardName - The name of the wildcard in question for which to retrieve the substitute.
        The text substituting the wildcard with the given path pattern's wildcard name or null if there is none such substitute.
      • toWildcardReplacements

        public String[] toWildcardReplacements​(String aPath,
                                               String... aWildcardNames)
        Returns the wildcard substitutes for the wildcards in your path pattern (see PathMatcher.getPathPattern()) compared to the actual path (as of PathMatcher.toWildcardSubstitutes(String)). The text of the wildcard substitutes aligns to the order of the provided wildcard names (as defined in your path pattern).
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacements in interface PathMatcher
        Specified by:
        toWildcardReplacements in interface WildcardMatcher
        aPath - The path for which to retrieve the wildcard substitutes.
        aWildcardNames - The names of the wildcards in question for which to retrieve the substitutes in the order of the provided names.
        The text substituting the wildcard with the given path pattern's wildcard names or null if there are none such substitute.
      • toPattern

        public String toPattern()
        For debugging purposes, retrieve the regex pattern created from the ANT path pattern.
        Returns the regex created from the ANT path pattern.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelimiter

        public char getDelimiter()
        Specified by:
        getDelimiter in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DelimiterAccessor