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BitwiseOperationBuilder - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
The bitwise operation builder applies bitwise operations to a given value being set via #setValue(Integer) or (as of the builder pattern) BitwiseOperationBuilder.withValue(Integer).
BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl - Class in org.refcodes.numerical.impls
BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl


getCharSet() - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
getNumber() - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
getNumber() - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number from the number property.
getNumberBase() - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseAccessor
Retrieves the value from the number base property.
getNumberBaseValue() - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
getNumberBaseValue() - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number base value from the number base value property.
getNumberData() - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
getNumberData() - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number from the number property.
getPaddingChar() - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.PaddingCharAccessor
Retrieves the value from the padding char property.
getValue() - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl


isBitwiseMaskable(int, int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
Tests if the bits set in the parameter mask are also set in the parameter value.
isMaskable(Integer) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
Tests if the bits set in the mask argument are also set in the value property ("the value property is maskable with the given mask").
isMaskable(Integer) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
isTrueAt(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
isTrueAt(int) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
isTrueAt(int, int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
Tests whether the bit at the given position is set in the parameter value and returns true if this is the case.


NumberBase - Enum in org.refcodes.numerical
NumberBaseAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides an accessor for a number base property.
NumberBaseAccessor.NumberBaseBuilder<B extends NumberBaseAccessor.NumberBaseBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides a builder method for a number base property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
NumberBaseAccessor.NumberBaseMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides a mutator for a number base property.
NumberBaseAccessor.NumberBaseProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides a number base property.
NumberBaseBuilder - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
A number base converter from and to long values and which may also convert to and from byte arrays.
NumberBaseBuilderImpl - Class in org.refcodes.numerical.impls
This is a hacky implementation of the NumberBaseBuilder interface breaking with an IllegalArgumentException in case the numbers to be converted are too large for the algorithm.
NumberBaseBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
NumericalUtility - Class in org.refcodes.numerical
This class contains some useful static methods for working with bitwise operations objects.


org.refcodes.numerical - package org.refcodes.numerical
org.refcodes.numerical.impls - package org.refcodes.numerical.impls


PaddingCharAccessor - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides an accessor for a padding char property.
PaddingCharAccessor.PaddingCharBuilder<B extends PaddingCharAccessor.PaddingCharBuilder<B>> - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides a builder method for a padding char property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
PaddingCharAccessor.PaddingCharMutator - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides a mutator for a padding char property.
PaddingCharAccessor.PaddingCharProperty - Interface in org.refcodes.numerical
Provides a padding char property.


setCharSet(char[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
setNumber(long) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
setNumber(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number for the number property.
setNumberBase(int) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
setNumberBase(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseAccessor.NumberBaseMutator
Sets the value for the number base property.
setNumberBase(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number base for the number base property.
setNumberBaseValue(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
setNumberBaseValue(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number base value for the number base value property.
setNumberData(byte[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
setNumberData(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number for the number property.
setPaddingChar(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.PaddingCharAccessor.PaddingCharMutator
Sets the value for the padding char property.
setValue(Integer) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
sum(int...) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Calculates the sum from the provided summands.


toBitwiseAND(int, int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
The result of this method is a contransceiver of the parameters valueA and valueB.
toBitwiseNOT(int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
The result of this method is the negation of the given value.
toBitwiseOR(int, int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
The result of this method is a distransceiver of the parameters valueA and valueB.
toBitwiseXOR(int, int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
The result of this method is an exclusive distransceiver of the parameters valueA and valueB.
toBoolean(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Converts the given String to a boolean value.
toBytes(long) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Converts a long value to an array of bytes, left byte being the most significant one (highest order).
toBytes(int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Converts a integer value to an array of bytes, left byte being the most significant one (highest order).
toBytes(Double) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Converts a double value to an array of bytes, left(?)
toDouble(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Creates a double between 0 and 1 from a String; useful e.g. when creating a number from a pass-phrase.
toDoubles(String, int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Creates an array with double values between 0 and 1 from a String ; useful e.g. when creating a bunch of numbers from a pass-phrase.
toHashCode(Object...) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Calculates a hash code from the given object's hash codes.
toInteger(byte[]) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
toInteger(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
toLong(byte[]) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
toLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
toLong(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Creates a long from a String; useful e.g. when creating a number from a pass-phrase.
toMd5Hash(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Generates a md5 hash of the given text.
toNumber(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
toNumber(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number calculated from the provided number base value.
toNumberBaseValue(long) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
toNumberBaseValue(byte[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
toNumberBaseValue(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number base value calculated from the number.
toNumberBaseValue(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number base value calculated from the number.
toNumberData(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
toNumberData(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Retrieves the number calculated from the provided number base value.
toScaled(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Scales the given value (which must be between 0 .. 1 to be between aMin .. aMax.
toUnsignedLong(int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.NumericalUtility
Converts a signed int to an unsigned long value.
toVerboseString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
TODO: This helper is required to help making the code break when it reaches its bad implementations.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAnd(Integer) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
Applies a bitwise AND operation to the value property with the given operand; the value is updated accordingly and the result can be retrieved with the ValueAccessor.getValue() method.
withAnd(Integer) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
withCharSet(char[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.NumberBaseBuilderImpl
withNot() - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
Applies a bitwise NOT operation to the value property ; the value is updated accordingly and the result can be retrieved with the ValueAccessor.getValue() method.
withNot() - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
withNumber(long) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number for the number property.
withNumberBase(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseAccessor.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the value for the number base property.
withNumberBase(int) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number base for the number base property.
withNumberBaseValue(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number base value for the number base value property.
withNumberData(byte[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.NumberBaseBuilder
Sets the number for the number property.
withOr(Integer) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
Applies a bitwise OR operation to the value property with the given operand; the value is updated accordingly and the result can be retrieved with the ValueAccessor.getValue() method.
withOr(Integer) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
withPaddingChar(char) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.PaddingCharAccessor.PaddingCharBuilder
Sets the value for the padding char property.
withValue(Integer) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
withXor(Integer) - Method in interface org.refcodes.numerical.BitwiseOperationBuilder
Applies a bitwise XOR operation to the value property with the given operand; the value is updated accordingly and the result can be retrieved with the ValueAccessor.getValue() method.
withXor(Integer) - Method in class org.refcodes.numerical.impls.BitwiseOperationBuilderImpl
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