Interface CrcAlgorithm

All Superinterfaces:
CrcWidthAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor
All Known Implementing Classes:
CrcAlgorithmConfig, CrcAlgorithmImpl

public interface CrcAlgorithm extends CrcWidthAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor
This interfaces describes the methods which can be invoked upon working with CRC checksums.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor

    org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameBuilder<B extends org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameBuilder<B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor.NameProperty
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the CrcSize class to which this CrcAlgorithm belongs.
    toCrcBytes(byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, Endianess aEndianess)
    Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
    toCrcBytes(byte[] aData, Endianess aEndianess)
    Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
    toCrcBytes(byte aData, Endianess aEndianess)
    Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
    toCrcBytes(long aCrc, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, Endianess aEndianess)
    Updates the according checksum with he supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
    toCrcBytes(long aCrc, byte[] aData, Endianess aEndianess)
    Updates the according checksum with he supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
    toCrcBytes(long aCrc, byte aData, Endianess aEndianess)
    Updates the according checksum with he supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
    toCrcChecksum(byte aData)
    Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data.
    toCrcChecksum(byte[] aData)
    Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data.
    toCrcChecksum(byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength)
    Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data.
    toCrcChecksum(long aCrc, byte aData)
    Updates the according checksum with he supplied data.
    toCrcChecksum(long aCrc, byte[] aData)
    Updates the according checksum with he supplied data.
    toCrcChecksum(long aCrc, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength)
    Updates the according checksum with he supplied data.

    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.numerical.CrcWidthAccessor


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.NameAccessor

  • Method Details

    • getCrcSize

      CrcSize getCrcSize()
      Gets the CrcSize class to which this CrcAlgorithm belongs.
      The CrcSize enumeration providing various width related methods.
    • toCrcChecksum

      long toCrcChecksum(byte aData)
      Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      The according checksum.
    • toCrcChecksum

      long toCrcChecksum(long aCrc, byte aData)
      Updates the according checksum with he supplied data.
      aCrc - The CRC checksum to be updated.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      The accordingly updated checksum.
    • toCrcChecksum

      long toCrcChecksum(byte[] aData)
      Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      The according checksum.
    • toCrcChecksum

      long toCrcChecksum(long aCrc, byte[] aData)
      Updates the according checksum with he supplied data.
      aCrc - The CRC checksum to be updated.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      The accordingly updated checksum.
    • toCrcChecksum

      long toCrcChecksum(byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength)
      Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aOffset - The offset from where to start.
      aLength - The number of bytes to cover.
      The according checksum.
    • toCrcChecksum

      long toCrcChecksum(long aCrc, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength)
      Updates the according checksum with he supplied data.
      aCrc - The CRC checksum to be updated.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aOffset - The offset from where to start.
      aLength - The number of bytes to cover.
      The accordingly updated checksum.
    • toCrcBytes

      byte[] toCrcBytes(byte aData, Endianess aEndianess)
      Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aEndianess - The Endianess (big endian or little endian) of the resulting bytes representing the CRC checksum.
      The according checksum.
    • toCrcBytes

      byte[] toCrcBytes(long aCrc, byte aData, Endianess aEndianess)
      Updates the according checksum with he supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
      aCrc - The CRC checksum to be updated.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aEndianess - The Endianess (big endian or little endian) of the resulting bytes representing the CRC checksum.
      The accordingly updated checksum.
    • toCrcBytes

      byte[] toCrcBytes(byte[] aData, Endianess aEndianess)
      Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aEndianess - The Endianess (big endian or little endian) of the resulting bytes representing the CRC checksum.
      The according checksum.
    • toCrcBytes

      byte[] toCrcBytes(long aCrc, byte[] aData, Endianess aEndianess)
      Updates the according checksum with he supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
      aCrc - The CRC checksum to be updated.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aEndianess - The Endianess (big endian or little endian) of the resulting bytes representing the CRC checksum.
      The accordingly updated checksum.
    • toCrcBytes

      byte[] toCrcBytes(byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, Endianess aEndianess)
      Calculates the according checksum from the supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aOffset - The offset from where to start.
      aLength - The number of bytes to cover.
      aEndianess - The Endianess (big endian or little endian) of the resulting bytes representing the CRC checksum.
      The according checksum.
    • toCrcBytes

      byte[] toCrcBytes(long aCrc, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, Endianess aEndianess)
      Updates the according checksum with he supplied data data and returns the according byte array of the CRC checksum.
      aCrc - The CRC checksum to be updated.
      aData - The data for which to calculate the checksum.
      aOffset - The offset from where to start.
      aLength - The number of bytes to cover.
      aEndianess - The Endianess (big endian or little endian) of the resulting bytes representing the CRC checksum.
      The accordingly updated checksum.