Class AliasEqualWithEventMatcher<E extends GenericMetaDataEvent<?,?>>

Type Parameters:
E - The matchee type.
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.refcodes.matcher.Matchable<E>, org.refcodes.matcher.Matcher<E>, org.refcodes.mixin.Schemable<org.refcodes.matcher.MatcherSchema>, EventMatcher<E>

public class AliasEqualWithEventMatcher<E extends GenericMetaDataEvent<?,?>> extends Object implements EventMatcher<E>
Matches the given alias with the alias stored in an event's meta data (ALIAS EQUAL WITH).
  • Constructor Details

    • AliasEqualWithEventMatcher

      public AliasEqualWithEventMatcher(String aAlias)
      Instantiates a new alias equal with matcher impl.
      aAlias - the alias
  • Method Details