Class AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent<A,P,EM extends org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,SRC>

Type Parameters:
A - The type of the action stored in the event.
P - The type of the payload to be carried.
EM - The type of the EventMetaData
SRC - The type of the source in question.
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.refcodes.mixin.ActionAccessor<A>, org.refcodes.mixin.MetaDataAccessor<EM>, org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor<P>, org.refcodes.mixin.SourceAccessor<SRC>, GenericActionEvent<A,SRC>, GenericActionMetaDataEvent<A,EM,SRC>, GenericActionPayloadEvent<A,P,SRC>, GenericActionPayloadMetaDataEvent<A,P,EM,SRC>, GenericEvent<SRC>, GenericMetaDataEvent<EM,SRC>, GenericPayloadEvent<P,SRC>, GenericPayloadMetaDataEvent<P,EM,SRC>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent<A,P,EM extends org.refcodes.mixin.EventMetaData,SRC> extends AbstractMetaDataActionEvent<A,EM,SRC> implements GenericActionPayloadMetaDataEvent<A,P,EM,SRC>
Basic implementation of the GenericActionPayloadMetaDataEvent.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent

      public AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent(A aAction, P aPayload, EM aEventMetaData, SRC aSource)
      Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
      aAction - The action which the event represents.
      aPayload - The payload to be carried by the event.
      aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
      aSource - The source from which this event originated.
    • AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent

      public AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent(A aAction, P aPayload, SRC aSource)
      Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
      aAction - The action which the event represents.
      aPayload - The payload to be carried by the event.
      aSource - The source from which this event originated.
    • AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent

      public AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent(P aPayload, EM aEventMetaData, SRC aSource)
      Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
      aPayload - The payload to be carried by the event.
      aEventMetaData - The Meta-Data to by supplied by the event.
      aSource - The source from which this event originated.
    • AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent

      public AbstractPayloadMetaDataActionEvent(P aPayload, SRC aSource)
      Constructs an event with the given Meta-Data.
      aPayload - The payload to be carried by the event.
      aSource - The source from which this event originated.
  • Method Details

    • getPayload

      public P getPayload()
      Specified by:
      getPayload in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PayloadAccessor<A>