Interface RestResponseConsumer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    RestResponseHandler, RestResponseResult
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface RestResponseConsumer
    The RestResponseConsumer can be coded using the lambda syntax and processes a response from a server. The RestResponseEvent describes the context of the response e.g. retrieve the server's response via HttpClientResponseImpl.getResponse(Class) or the response's HTTP Status-Code via HttpResponseImpl.getHttpStatusCode().
    • Method Detail

      • onResponse

        void onResponse​(RestResponseEvent aResponse)
                 throws org.refcodes.web.HttpResponseException
        The invoker provides a response context being a RestResponseEvent describing the response being processed upon by your lambda's code. The method works synchronously and waits (blocks the caller's thread) till it finishes execution.
        aResponse - The response of type RestResponseEvent describing the response context. Use HttpClientResponseImpl.getResponse(Class) to retrieve the server's response body or HttpResponseImpl.getHttpStatusCode() to retrieve the respone's HTTP Status-Code.
        org.refcodes.web.HttpResponseException - thrown by a HTTP-Response handling system in case of some unexpected response.