Interface SessionCorrelation<B extends SessionCorrelation<B>>

Type Parameters:
B - The builder to return in order to be able to apply multiple build operations.

public interface SessionCorrelation<B extends SessionCorrelation<B>>
Provides methods to set Session-Correlation behavior: When enabled via setSessionCorrelation(boolean) (or the like), then an existing Session-Correlation-TID might be forwarded by setting it into the Correlation singleton via Correlation.SESSION's Correlation.setId(String). When being disabled, then no Session-Correlation handling will be done, any existing Correlation.SESSION's Correlation.getId() may stay untouched!
  • Method Details

    • setSessionCorrelation

      void setSessionCorrelation​(boolean hasSessionCorrelation)
      Enables or disables the automatic Session-Correlation mechanism.
      hasSessionCorrelation - When true then Session-Correlation is enabled, else disabled.
    • withSessionCorrelation

      B withSessionCorrelation​(boolean hasSessionCorrelation)
      Builder method for the setSessionCorrelation(boolean) operation.
      hasSessionCorrelation - When true then Session-Correlation is enabled, else disabled.
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • enableSessionCorrelation

      default void enableSessionCorrelation()
      Enables the automatic Session-Correlation mechanism.
    • withEnableSessionCorrelation

      B withEnableSessionCorrelation()
      Builder method for the enableSessionCorrelation() operation.
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • disableSessionCorrelation

      default void disableSessionCorrelation()
      Disables the automatic Session-Correlation mechanism.
    • withDisableSessionCorrelation

      B withDisableSessionCorrelation()
      Builder method for the disableSessionCorrelation() operation.
      The builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • hasSessionCorrelation

      boolean hasSessionCorrelation()
      Determines whether Session-Correlation is being enabled or disabled.
      True in case Session-Correlation is being enabled, else false.