Enum SystemContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<SystemContext>, java.lang.constant.Constable

public enum SystemContext
extends Enum<SystemContext>
Describes the context within a system's environment regarding host, user and application contexts as well as the currently invoked Java runtime session.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant Description
    Specifies an application specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session and an application specific granularity.
    Specifies a host specific granularity.
    Specifies an application on a host specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for an application on a host specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for a host specific granularity.
    Specifies a user on a host specific granularity.
    Specifies an application for a user on a host specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for an application for a user on a host specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for a user on a host specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session specific granularity, valid just for the current invocation of the Java runtime.
    Specifies a user specific granularity.
    Specifies a user specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session and a user specific granularity.
    Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for a user specific granularity.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean isApplicationLevel()
    Determines whether the granularity is on an application level.
    boolean isHostLevel()
    Determines whether the granularity is on a host level.
    boolean isSessionLevel()
    Determines whether the granularity is on a session level, e.g. valid just for the lifetime of the current runtime Java's invocation.
    boolean isUserLevel()
    Determines whether the granularity is on a user level.
    int toContextId()
    Creates an TID most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on.
    int toContextId​(String aSeed)
    Creates an TID most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on.
    int[] toContextIds​(int aIdLength)
    Creates an array of IDs most probably unique as specified by the provided argument this method is invoked on.
    int[] toContextIds​(int aIdLength, String aSeed)
    Creates an array of IDs most probably unique as specified by the provided argument this method is invoked on.
    String toContextSequence()
    Creates a String most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on.
    String toContextSequence​(String aSeed)
    Creates a String most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on.
    static SystemContext valueOf​(String name)
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    static SystemContext[] values()
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final SystemContext APPLICATION
      Specifies an application specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext USER_APPLICATION
      Specifies a user specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_USER_APPLICATION
      Specifies an application for a user on a host specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_APPLICATION
      Specifies an application on a host specific granularity.
    • USER

      public static final SystemContext USER
      Specifies a user specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_USER
      Specifies a user on a host specific granularity.
    • HOST

      public static final SystemContext HOST
      Specifies a host specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session specific granularity, valid just for the current invocation of the Java runtime.

      public static final SystemContext APPLICATION_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session and an application specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext USER_APPLICATION_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session and a user specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_USER_APPLICATION_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for an application for a user on a host specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_APPLICATION_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for an application on a host specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext USER_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for a user specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_USER_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for a user on a host specific granularity.

      public static final SystemContext HOST_SESSION
      Specifies a Java runtime invokcation's session for a host specific granularity.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static SystemContext[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static SystemContext valueOf​(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • isHostLevel

      public boolean isHostLevel()
      Determines whether the granularity is on a host level.
      True in case of being on a host level, else false.
    • isUserLevel

      public boolean isUserLevel()
      Determines whether the granularity is on a user level.
      True in case of being on a user level, else false.
    • isApplicationLevel

      public boolean isApplicationLevel()
      Determines whether the granularity is on an application level.
      True in case of being on an application level, else false.
    • isSessionLevel

      public boolean isSessionLevel()
      Determines whether the granularity is on a session level, e.g. valid just for the lifetime of the current runtime Java's invocation.
      True in case of being on a session level, else false.
    • toContextSequence

      public String toContextSequence()
      Creates a String most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on. Attention: The result my vary depending on the user under which the application is being executed! Supports the environment variable EnvironmentVariable.HOST_SEED as well as the system property SystemProperty.HOST_SEED. The enumeration value specifies the context for the created TID, e.g. which system properties to take into account.
      The calculated system's String.
    • toContextSequence

      public String toContextSequence​(String aSeed)
      Creates a String most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on. Attention: The result my vary depending on the user under which the application is being executed! Supports the environment variable EnvironmentVariable.HOST_SEED as well as the system property SystemProperty.HOST_SEED. The enumeration value specifies the context for the created TID, e.g. which system properties to take into account.
      aSeed - A seed to alter the TID individually.
      The calculated system's String.
    • toContextId

      public int toContextId()
      Creates an TID most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on. Succeeding calls of this method on the same machine returns the same value. Attention: The result my vary depending on the user under which the application is being executed! Supports the environment variable EnvironmentVariable.HOST_SEED as well as the system property SystemProperty.HOST_SEED. The enumeration value specifies the context for the created TID, e.g. which system properties to take into account.
      The calculated system's TID.
    • toContextId

      public int toContextId​(String aSeed)
      Creates an TID most probably unique as specified by the enumeration instance this method is invoked on. Succeeding calls of this method on the same machine with the same arguments returns the same value. Attention: The result my vary depending on the user under which the application is being executed! Supports the environment variable EnvironmentVariable.HOST_SEED as well as the system property SystemProperty.HOST_SEED. System.out.println(System.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")); System.out.println(System.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432")); System.getProperty("os.arch"); The enumeration value specifies the context for the created TID, e.g. which system properties to take into account.
      aSeed - A seed to alter the TID individually.
      The calculated system's TID.
    • toContextIds

      public int[] toContextIds​(int aIdLength)
      Creates an array of IDs most probably unique as specified by the provided argument this method is invoked on. Succeeding calls of this method on the same machine with the same arguments returns the same values. Attention: The result my vary depending on the user under which the application is being executed! Supports the environment variable EnvironmentVariable.HOST_SEED as well as the system property SystemProperty.HOST_SEED. The enumeration value specifies the context for the created TID, e.g. which system properties to take into account.
      aIdLength - The number of IDs to be generated.
      The calculated system's TID.
    • toContextIds

      public int[] toContextIds​(int aIdLength, String aSeed)
      Creates an array of IDs most probably unique as specified by the provided argument this method is invoked on. Succeeding calls of this method on the same machine with the same arguments returns the same values. Attention: The result my vary depending on the user under which the application is being executed! Supports the environment variable EnvironmentVariable.HOST_SEED as well as the system property SystemProperty.HOST_SEED. The enumeration value specifies the context for the created TID, e.g. which system properties to take into account.
      aIdLength - The number of IDs to be generated.
      aSeed - A seed to alter the TID individually.
      The calculated system's TID.