Enum Terminal

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Terminal>, java.lang.constant.Constable

public enum Terminal extends Enum<Terminal>
Enumeration with the (relevant) terminals as well as interpolated terminal metrics.
  • Enum Constant Details

    • XTERM

      public static final Terminal XTERM
    • CYGWIN

      public static final Terminal CYGWIN

      public static final Terminal UNKNOWN
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Terminal[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Terminal valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getCurrentTerminalHeight

      public static int getCurrentTerminalHeight()
      Determines the current height in characters of the system's terminal in use. This operation is expensive as it always does a full blown height calculation. To be less expensive, either use getTerminalHeight() or getTerminalHeight(int).
      The height of the terminal in characters or -1 if the height cannot be determined.
    • getCurrentTerminalWidth

      public static int getCurrentTerminalWidth()
      Determines the current width in characters of the system's terminal in use. This operation is expensive as it always does a full blown width calculation. To be less expensive, either use getTerminalWidth() or getTerminalWidth(int).
      The height of the terminal in characters or -1 if the height cannot be determined.
    • getLineBreak

      public static String getLineBreak()
      Determines the operating system as of OperatingSystem.toOperatingSystem() and in case a OperatingSystem.WINDOWS is being detected, then \r\n" (CRLF) is returned, else "\n" (LF) is returned. Can be overridden with the SystemProperty.CONSOLE_LINE_BREAK (java -Dconsole.lineBreak=...) and the EnvironmentVariable.CONSOLE_LINE_BREAK ("export CONSOLE_LINE_BREAK=...).
      The operating system's specific line break; on Windows it is "\r\n" (CRLF) and on all other operating systems it is "\n" (LF).
    • getTerminalEncoding

      public static String getTerminalEncoding()
      Determines the encoding of the system (system's console) in use as of System.out.
      The encoding (of the console).
    • getTerminalHeight

      public static int getTerminalHeight()
      Determines the height in characters of the system's terminal in use.
      The height of the terminal in characters or -1 if the height cannot be determined.
    • getTerminalHeight

      public static int getTerminalHeight(int aValidityTimeMillis)
      Determines the height in characters of the system's terminal in use. Idea: For ANSI-Terminals this could do the trick. Found at: "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286461/can-i-find-the-console-width-with-java" "...There's a trick that you can use based on ANSI Escape Codes. They don't provide a direct way to query the console size, but they do have a command for requesting the current position size. By moving the cursor to a really high row and column and then requesting the console size you can get an accurate measurement. Send the following sequences to the terminal (stdout) "" // save cursor position "" // move to col 5000 row 5000 "" // request cursor position "" // restore cursor position Now watch stdin, you should receive a sequence that looks like "", where 25 is the row count, and 80 the columns ..." This would be an idea to implement :-)
      aValidityTimeMillis - The time period till last determination of this value is valid, as determining this value is expensive.
      The height of the terminal in characters or -1 if the height cannot be determined.
    • getTerminalWidth

      public static int getTerminalWidth()
      Determines the width in characters of the system's terminal in use.
      The width of the terminal in characters or -1 if the width cannot be determined.
    • getTerminalWidth

      public static int getTerminalWidth(int aValidityTimeMillis)
      Determines the width in characters of the system's terminal in use. Idea: For ANSI-Terminals this could do the trick. Found at: "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286461/can-i-find-the-console-width-with-java" "...There's a trick that you can use based on ANSI Escape Codes. They don't provide a direct way to query the console size, but they do have a command for requesting the current position size. By moving the cursor to a really high row and column and then requesting the console size you can get an accurate measurement. Send the following sequences to the terminal (stdout) "" // save cursor position "" // move to col 5000 row 5000 "" // request cursor position "" // restore cursor position Now watch stdin, you should receive a sequence that looks like "", where 25 is the row count, and 80 the columns ..." This would be an idea to implement :-)
      aValidityTimeMillis - The time period till last determination of this value is valid, as determining this value is expensive.
      The width of the terminal in characters or -1 if the width cannot be determined.
    • isAnsiTerminal

      public static boolean isAnsiTerminal()
      Determines whether ANSI escape sequences are supported by the terminal.
      True in case ANSI escape sequences are supported, else false.
    • isAnsiTerminalPreferred

      public static boolean isAnsiTerminalPreferred()
      Determines whether ANSI escape sequences are forced to be supported or not by REFCODES.ORG artifacts. This overrules isAnsiTerminal() for the REFCODES.ORG artifacts. Various settings such as SystemProperty.CONSOLE_ANSI and (in this order) EnvironmentVariable.CONSOLE_ANSI overrule isAnsiTerminal().
      True in case ANSI escape sequences are forced to be used by REFCODES.ORG artifacts or not.
    • isCurrentlyLineBreakRequired

      public static boolean isCurrentlyLineBreakRequired(int aRowWidth)
      Determines whether we need an explicit line-break for the given width on the current operating system and used terminal. E.g. on "win.cmd" we must not use a line-break in case our line is a s long as the console's width. There are some more such cases which this method tries to take into consideration. This operation is expensive as it always does a full blown width calculation. To be less expensive, either use isLineBreakRequired(int) or isLineBreakRequired(int, int).
      aRowWidth - The row width you want to use when printing out to a console.
      True in case you should use a line-break.
    • isLineBreakRequired

      public static boolean isLineBreakRequired(int aRowWidth)
      Determines whether we need an explicit line-break for the given width on the current operating system and used terminal. E.g. on "win.cmd" we must not use a line-break in case our line is a s long as the console's width. There are some more such cases which this method tries to take into consideration.
      aRowWidth - The row width you want to use when printing out to a console.
      True in case you should use a line-break.
    • isLineBreakRequired

      public static boolean isLineBreakRequired(int aRowWidth, int aValidityTimeMillis)
      Determines whether we need an explicit line-break for the given width on the current operating system and used terminal. E.g. on "win.cmd" we must not use a line-break in case our line is a s long as the console's width. There are some more such cases which this method tries to take into consideration.
      aRowWidth - The row width you want to use when printing out to a console.
      aValidityTimeMillis - The time period till last determination of this value is valid, as determining this value is expensive.
      True in case you should use a line-break.
    • toLineBreak

      public static String toLineBreak(int aRowWidth)
      Uses isLineBreakRequired(int) to retrieve the character sequence required to suffix to a line in order to get a line break without risking any empty lines as of automatic line wrapping. Automatic line wrapping can happen on Windows environment when the console width is reached. A line break would cause a superfluous empty line (ugly).
      aRowWidth - The row width you want to use when printing out to a console.
      The system's line break characters when a line break is emphasized or an empty string if no line break sequence is recommended.
    • toPreferredTerminalHeight

      public static int toPreferredTerminalHeight()
      Does some calculation to always return a sound console height (never returns -1). Anything in the REFCODES.ORG artifacts which is intended to print to the console uses this method to determine some heuristic best console height.
      A sound heuristic console height.
    • toPreferredTerminalWidth

      public static int toPreferredTerminalWidth()
      Does some calculation to always return a sound console width (never returns -1). Anything in the REFCODES.ORG artifacts which is intended to print to the console uses this method to determine some heuristic best console width.
      A sound heuristic console width.
    • toTerminal

      public static Terminal toTerminal()
      Determines the terminal your application is currently in.
      The Terminal being detected.