Class Configuration

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<String,Configuration>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyMutator<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyProperty<String>

public class Configuration extends Object implements org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyProperty<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<String,Configuration>
Converts a key to the format of a system property (camel-case) or an environment variable (snake-case in upper-case).
  • Constructor Details

    • Configuration

      public Configuration()
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor<String>
    • setKey

      public void setKey(String aKey)
      Specified by:
      setKey in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyMutator<String>
    • withKey

      public Configuration withKey(String aKey)
      Specified by:
      withKey in interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<String,Configuration>
    • toPath

      public String toPath()
      Converts the key as of getKey() to a path (as of PathMap). A path begins with a path delimiter "/" (as of Delimiter.PATH and with all non alphanumeric digits being replaced by the path delimiter. Any non alphanumeric sequence is truncated to a single path delimiter.
      The path representation of the according key.
    • toPath

      public String toPath(String aKey)
      Converts the provided key as of getKey() to a path (as of PathMap). A path begins with a path delimiter "/" (as of Delimiter.PATH and with all non alphanumeric digits being replaced by the path delimiter. Any non alphanumeric sequence is truncated to a single path delimiter.
      aKey - The key to be converted.
      The path representation of the according key.
    • toSystemProperty

      public String toSystemProperty()
      Converts the key as of getKey() to a system property. A system property is the camel-case version of the according key.
      The camel-case representation of the according key.
    • toEnvironmentVariable

      public String toEnvironmentVariable()
      Converts the key as of getKey() to an environment variable. An environment variable is the upper-case snake-case version of the according key.
      The upper-case snake-case representation of the according key.
    • toSystemProperty

      public String toSystemProperty(String aKey)
      Converts the provided key to a system property. A system property is the camel-case version of the according key.
      aKey - The key to be converted.
      The camel-case representation of the according key.
    • toEnvironmentVariable

      public String toEnvironmentVariable(String aKey)
      Converts the provided key to an environment variable. An environment variable is the upper-case snake-case version of the according key.
      aKey - The key to be converted.
      The upper-case snake-case representation of the according key.
    • getSystemProperty

      public String getSystemProperty(String aKey)
      Returns the according system's property after having converted the provided key to a system property. A system property is the camel-case version of the according key.
      aKey - The value of the key to be converted.
      The system's property of the camel-case representation of the according key.
    • getEnvironmentVariable

      public String getEnvironmentVariable(String aKey)
      Returns the according environment variable after having converted the provided key to an environment variable. An environment variable is the upper-case snake-case version of the according key.
      aKey - The value of the key to be converted.
      The environment variable of the upper-case snake-case representation of the according key.
    • asNormalized

      protected static String asNormalized(String aText, char aSeparator)
      Normalizes the provided text.
      aText - The text to be normalized.
      aSeparator - The character to be used for normalization.
      The normalized String (can be null).