C G O P T V 


ChaosDecrypter - Interface in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The ChaosDecrypter will use byte arrays as input and output types.
ChaosDecrypterImpl - Class in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The Class ChaosDecrypterImpl.
ChaosDecrypterImpl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosDecrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos decrypter impl.
ChaosDecrypterImpl(ChaosKey) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosDecrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos decrypter impl.
ChaosEncrypter - Interface in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The ChaosEncrypter will use byte arrays as input and output types.
ChaosEncrypterImpl - Class in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The Class ChaosEncrypterImpl.
ChaosEncrypterImpl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosEncrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos encrypter impl.
ChaosEncrypterImpl(ChaosKey) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosEncrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos encrypter impl.
ChaosKey - Interface in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The key holding the parameters for the implemented chaos function.
ChaosKeyImpl - Class in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
Thanks Christian Pontesegger for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a full cipher" at: "http://codeandme.blogspot.de/2013/07/writing-your-own-jca-extensions-full.html" and for the very good example on "Writing your own JCA extensions - a simple digest " at: "http://codeandme.blogspot.de/2013/06/writing-your-own-jca-extensions-simple.html"
ChaosKeyImpl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Instantiates a new chaos key.
ChaosKeyImpl(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Instantiates a new chaos key from the provided integer values.
ChaosKeyImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Instantiates a new chaos key by calculating x0, a and s from the provided String.
ChaosTextDecrypter - Interface in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The ChaosTextDecrypter will use String as input and output type.
ChaosTextDecrypterImpl - Class in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The Class ChaosTextDecrypterImpl.
ChaosTextDecrypterImpl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextDecrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos text decrypter impl.
ChaosTextDecrypterImpl(ChaosKey) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextDecrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos text decrypter impl.
ChaosTextEncrypter - Interface in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The ChaosTextEncrypter will use String as input and output type.
ChaosTextEncrypterImpl - Class in org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
The Class ChaosTextEncrypterImpl.
ChaosTextEncrypterImpl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextEncrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos text encrypter impl.
ChaosTextEncrypterImpl(ChaosKey) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextEncrypterImpl
Instantiates a new chaos text encrypter impl.


getA() - Method in interface org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKey
Gets the a.
getA() - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Gets the a.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
getEncoded() - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
getFormat() - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
getS() - Method in interface org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKey
Gets the s.
getS() - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Gets the s.
getX0() - Method in interface org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKey
Gets the x0.
getX0() - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Gets the x0.


org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos - package org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos
In the article "Chaos-based encryption" (see "http://www.refcodes.org/blog/chaos-based_encryption/") I published a text I received in the late 1980s in Harare (Zimbabwe) by the mathematician Sönke Rehder; there a chaos-based symmetric cryptographic algorithm is being described:


PROVIDER_NAME - Static variable in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl


toA(int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Creates a valid a double from the provided integer (values from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE are allowed.
toDecrypted(byte[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosDecrypterImpl
toDecrypted(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosDecrypterImpl
toDecrypted(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextDecrypterImpl
toDecrypted(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextDecrypterImpl
toEncrypted(byte[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosEncrypterImpl
toEncrypted(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosEncrypterImpl
toEncrypted(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextEncrypterImpl
toEncrypted(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosTextEncrypterImpl
toS(int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Creates a valid s double from the provided integer (values from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE are allowed.
toX0(int) - Static method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Creates a valid x0 double from the provided integer (values from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE are allowed.


validate(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.refcodes.security.alt.chaos.ChaosKeyImpl
Validates the given values whether them are in scope.