
In the article "Chaos-based encryption" (see "") I published a text I received in the late 1980s in Harare (Zimbabwe) by the mathematician Sönke Rehder; there a chaos-based symmetric cryptographic algorithm is being described:

”… Betrachten wir die “Nachfolger-“ oder “Poincaré” Funktion N(x) = A*x*(1-x). Durch diese Vorschrift wird eine interessante Folge beschrieben.”

The Poincaré function N(x) = Ax(1-x) has been chosen for this chaos-based encryption approach. Whether this approach fulfills todays requirements for secure symmetric encryption, i cannot tell - I coded the algorithm using Atari Basic in the late 80s, the article describing the algorithm most probably is even older ...

(the refcodes-security-ext-chaos artifact provides the vanilla plain refcodes-security-alt-chaos algorithm as a JCE (Java cryptographic extension).

Actually I am very interested in a discussion on the quality of the produced randomness; an approach would be measuring the randomness as being described by the article on Testing Random Number Generators published by the Dr Dobb’s magazine.

How do I get set up?

To get up and running, include the following dependency (without the three dots “…”) in your pom.xml:
(please refer to Maven Central at "|ga|1|g%3A%22org.refcodes%22" for the most current version)

The artifact is hosted directly at Maven Central. Jump straight to the source codes at Bitbucket. Read the artifact’s javadoc at

A plain vanilla example

First you instantiate a ChaosTextEncrypterImpl with the given secret parameters:
 ChaosTextEncrypter theEncrypter = new ChaosTextEncrypterImpl( x0, a, s );
Your x0 parameter must be in the range ( 0 <= x0 <= 1 ), your a parameter must be in the range ( 3.57 <= a <= 4 ) and finally your s parameter must be smaller or equals to the biggest Long value: ( s <= Long.MAX_VALUE ).

Encryption is straight forward, decryption is very similar, so below find the complete example:

 double x0 = 0.67;
 double a = 3.61;
 int s = 12536;
 ChaosTextEncrypter theEncrypter = new ChaosTextEncrypterImpl( x0, a, s );
 String theEncrypted = theEncrypter.toEncrypted( theMessage );
 ChaosTextDecrypter theDecrypter = new ChaosTextDecrypterImpl( x0, a, s );
 String theDecrypted = theDecrypter.toDecrypted( theEncrypted );
See also: