Class ChaosOptionsBuilder.Builder

    • Field Detail

      • rndPrefixSize

        public short rndPrefixSize
    • Method Detail

      • withRndPrefixSize

        public ChaosOptionsBuilder.Builder withRndPrefixSize​(short aRndPrefixSize)
        Sets the prefix size for the ChaosOptionsBuilder.getRndPrefixSize() option. Valid values range from {1..256} representable by one byte as of {0x00..0xFF}.
        aRndPrefixSize - The size of the random bytes in case the PREFIX option is to be applied.
        This builder as of the builder pattern.
      • build

        public ChaosOptionsBuilder build()
        Determines whether an ADD operation of the ChaosKey's S value is to be applied with the current byte value (using signed bytes -128 to +127).
        the chaos metrics builder