Interface PortMetricsAccessor.PortMetricsBuilder<PM extends PortMetrics,​B extends PortMetricsAccessor.PortMetricsBuilder<PM,​B>>

  • Type Parameters:
    PM - The actual PortMetrics type to use.
    B - The builder to return in order to be able to apply multiple build operations.
    Enclosing interface:
    PortMetricsAccessor<PM extends PortMetrics>

    public static interface PortMetricsAccessor.PortMetricsBuilder<PM extends PortMetrics,​B extends PortMetricsAccessor.PortMetricsBuilder<PM,​B>>
    Provides a builder method for a PortMetrics property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
    • Method Detail

      • withPortMetrics

        B withPortMetrics​(PM aPortMetrics)
        Sets the PortMetrics for the PortMetrics property.
        aPortMetrics - The PortMetrics to be stored by the PortMetrics property.
        The builder for applying multiple build operations.