Interface AcknowledgeMagicBytesAccessor.AcknowledgeMagicBytesBuilder<B extends AcknowledgeMagicBytesAccessor.AcknowledgeMagicBytesBuilder<B>>

    • Method Detail

      • withAcknowledgeMagicBytes

        B withAcknowledgeMagicBytes​(byte[] aAcknowledgeMagicBytes)
        Sets the magic bytes for the acknowledge magic bytes property.
        aAcknowledgeMagicBytes - The magic bytes to be stored by the acknowledge magic bytes property.
        The builder for applying multiple build operations.
      • withAcknowledgeMagicBytes

        default B withAcknowledgeMagicBytes​(String aAcknowledgeMagicBytes)
        Sets the magic bytes for the acknowledge magic bytes property.
        aAcknowledgeMagicBytes - The magic bytes to be stored by the magic bytes property. Uses TransmissionMetrics.DEFAULT_ENCODING for converting the String into a byte array.
        the b
      • withAcknowledgeMagicBytes

        default B withAcknowledgeMagicBytes​(String aAcknowledgeMagicBytes,
                                            Charset aEncoding)
        Sets the magic bytes for the acknowledge magic bytes property.
        aAcknowledgeMagicBytes - The magic bytes to be stored by the magic bytes property.
        aEncoding - The string's bytes are converted using the given Charset.
        The builder for applying multiple build operations.