Class BreakerSegmentDecorator<DECORATEE extends Segment>

    • Field Detail

      • _breakNumber

        protected int _breakNumber
      • _breakCount

        protected int _breakCount
      • _startTime

        protected long _startTime
    • Constructor Detail

      • BreakerSegmentDecorator

        public BreakerSegmentDecorator​(DECORATEE aDecoratee,
                                       int aBreakNumber)
        Constructs a BreakerSegmentDecorator instance with the given decoratee breaking deserialization of the decorated segments by the given number of times.fter the total number of breaking the decoratee has been reached, the decorator behaves transparent (it just delegates without breaking the decoratee any more). This is good to see if a retry mechanism works when using some kind of error correction segment.
        aDecoratee - The decoratee to be contained by this facade.
        aBreakNumber - The number of times to break deserialization.
    • Method Detail

      • fromTransmission

        public int fromTransmission​(Sequence aSequence,
                                    int aOffset)
                             throws TransmissionException
        (Re-)initializes this instance with the the given Sequence data.
        Specified by:
        fromTransmission in interface Segment
        aSequence - The Sequence data from which to (re-)initialize this instance.
        aOffset - The offset where to start processing the provided Sequence.
        The index after the last offset into the given Sequence processed by this method.
        TransmissionException - thrown in case a given Sequence cannot be processed.
      • receiveFrom

        public void receiveFrom​(InputStream aInputStream,
                                OutputStream aReturnStream)
                         throws IOException,
        (Re-)initializes this instance by receiving the according Sequence from the given InputStream. Implementations providing error correction methods use the provided feedback OutputStream to do some sort of "stop-and-wait ARQ" or apply similar methods to ensure correctness of the received data.
        Specified by:
        receiveFrom in interface Segment
        aInputStream - The InputStream from which to read the instance's (re-)initialization Sequence from.
        aReturnStream - An OutputStream being the return channel to handle "stop-and-wait ARQ" or the like in case of a bidirectional connection. Can be null in case we have a unidirectional connection.
        IOException - thrown in case reading data from the InputStream caused problems.
        TransmissionException - thrown in case a given transmission cannot be processed.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Specified by:
        reset in interface org.refcodes.component.Resetable