Interface StopAndWaitTransmission

All Superinterfaces:
AcknowledgeMagicBytesAccessor, AcknowledgeRetryNumberAccessor, AcknowledgeSegmentPackagerAccessor, AcknowledgeTimeoutMillisAccessor, ErrorCorrectionTransmission, org.refcodes.mixin.LengthAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.Schemable<SerialSchema>, Serializable, Transmission
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStopAndWaitTransmissionDecorator, StopAndWaitSectionDecorator, StopAndWaitSegmentDecorator

The StopAndWaitTransmission is the most simple implementation of the ARQ (Automatic repeat request) protocol. Taken from the book "Serial Programming": "... The sender sends a packet, then waits a little for an ACK. As soon as it gets the ACK, it immediately sends the next packet. If the sender doesn't hear the ACK in time, it starts over from the beginning, sending the same packet again, until it does get an ACK ..." See "".
  • Method Details

    • getAcknowledgeMagicBytes

      byte[] getAcknowledgeMagicBytes()
      Returns the ACK bytes to be used by the return channel to transmit an ACK (acknowledge) response after successful receiving a transmission.
      Specified by:
      getAcknowledgeMagicBytes in interface AcknowledgeMagicBytesAccessor
      The ACK character.