Interface ServiceMatcher<S extends Service<?>>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - The matchee type
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ServiceMatcher<S extends Service<?>>
    extends org.refcodes.matcher.Matcher<S>
    This interface typifies the matcher interface for the usage with services. A service matcher most commonly uses the service Meta-Data in order to determine whether an event matches or not.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean isMatching​(S aService)
      Tests whether the given service matches this descriptor by comparing the service's type with the type specified in this descriptor as well as the service's Meta-Data with the Meta-Data stored in the descriptor. .
    • Method Detail

      • isMatching

        boolean isMatching​(S aService)
        Tests whether the given service matches this descriptor by comparing the service's type with the type specified in this descriptor as well as the service's Meta-Data with the Meta-Data stored in the descriptor. .
        Specified by:
        isMatching in interface org.refcodes.matcher.Matcher<S extends Service<?>>
        aService - The service to be compared.
        True in case descriptor and service match, else false.