Interface Keys<K,V>

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static interface  Keys.MutableKeys<K,V>
      Adds mutable functionality to the Keys interface.
      static interface  Keys.MutableValues<K,V>
      Mixin for mutable functionality accompanying the Keys interface.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean containsKey​(java.lang.Object aKey)
      Tests whether there is an element with the given key.
      boolean containsValue​(java.lang.Object aValue)
      This method is defined for the sake of Map conformity.
      V get​(java.lang.Object aKey)
      Retrieves the element assigned to the given key.
      default V getOr​(java.lang.Object aKey, V aDefaultValue)
      Retrieves the element assigned to the given key or the provided default value if there is no such value for the given key.
      java.util.Set<K> keySet​()
      Retrieves a collection containing all the keys found in the elements of this collection.
      default V use​(K aKey)
      Retrieves the element assigned to the given key.
      java.util.Collection<V> values​()
      Returns a Collection view of the values related to the contained keys.
    • Method Detail

      • containsKey

        boolean containsKey​(java.lang.Object aKey)
        Tests whether there is an element with the given key.
        aKey - The key for which to test whether there is an element.
        True in case there is an element for the given key.
      • containsValue

        boolean containsValue​(java.lang.Object aValue)
        This method is defined for the sake of Map conformity. Tests whether the provided value has a key assigned.
        aValue - The value to test if a key references this value.
        True in case the given value is referenced by a key.
      • get

        V get​(java.lang.Object aKey)
        Retrieves the element assigned to the given key.
        aKey - The key for which to get the element.
        The value for the key in question or null if there is none such value.
      • getOr

        default V getOr​(java.lang.Object aKey,
                        V aDefaultValue)
        Retrieves the element assigned to the given key or the provided default value if there is no such value for the given key.
        aKey - The key for which to get the element.
        aDefaultValue - The default value in case there is no such value for the given key.
        The value for the key in question or the default value if there is none such value.
      • use

        default V use​(K aKey)
               throws KeyNotFoundException
        Retrieves the element assigned to the given key. In case the given key does not exist, then an KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
        aKey - The key for which to get the element.
        The value assigned to the given key.
        KeyNotFoundException - thrown in case this instance does not contain the requested element (no such key found in the collection).
      • keySet

        java.util.Set<K> keySet​()
        Retrieves a collection containing all the keys found in the elements of this collection.
        A collection with key objects being the keys of all elements in this collection.
      • values

        java.util.Collection<V> values​()
        Returns a Collection view of the values related to the contained keys.
        A Collection view of the values related to the contained keys.