A C D E F G H I K N O P R S T V W 


AbstractColumn<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
The AbstractColumn is the default implementation for the Column interface.
AbstractColumn(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
Constructs a column.
AbstractHeader<T,C extends Column<? extends T>> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Header interface being Cloneable.
AbstractHeader() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
Constructs the AbstractHeader instance.
AbstractHeader(C...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
Constructs the AbstractHeader instance configured with the provided Column instances.
add(int, C) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
add(C) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader


clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.DateColumnImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ExceptionColumnImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FieldImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.IntegerColumnImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.StringColumnImpl
clone() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.StringsColumnImpl
close() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
Column<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Similar to a Column definition for a DB or a spread sheet (or, with reservations, a CSV file), a Column describes properties such as name (key) and type of elements related to that Column (e.g. the according elements of the Row lines).
ColumnAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides an accessor for a Column property.
ColumnAccessor.ColumnMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a mutator for a Column property.
ColumnAccessor.ColumnProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a Column property.
ColumnFactory<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A ColumnFactory creates or retrieves a Column instances identified by the provided key (name).
ColumnFactoryImpl - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Most generic ColumnFactory for creating Column instances managing instances of the (sub-)type Object.
ColumnFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactoryImpl
ColumnImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of a Column supporting Object instances, being Cloneable.
ColumnImpl(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnImpl
Creates a ColumnImpl managing String instances.
ColumnMismatchException - Exception in org.refcodes.tabular
Thrown in case a value was found in the e.g. in a Record of the wrong type than specified by a provided Column (of for example a Header).
ColumnMismatchException(Column<?>, Object, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnMismatchException
Instantiates a new column mismatch exception.
ColumnMismatchException(Column<?>, Object, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnMismatchException
Instantiates a new column mismatch exception.
ColumnMismatchException(Column<?>, Object, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnMismatchException
Instantiates a new column mismatch exception.
ColumnMismatchException(Column<?>, Object, String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnMismatchException
Instantiates a new column mismatch exception.
ColumnMismatchException(Column<?>, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnMismatchException
Instantiates a new column mismatch exception.
ColumnMismatchException(Column<?>, Object, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnMismatchException
Instantiates a new column mismatch exception.
Columns<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
In case no order of the Column instances is explicitly required (similar to a DB table or a spread sheet, in contrast to a CSV file) then Column instances are grouped by a Columns set.
ColumnsTemplate<T,C extends Column<? extends T>> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
In case no order of the Column instances is explicitly required (similar to a DB table or a spread sheet, in contrast to a CSV file) then Column instances are grouped by a ColumnsTemplate set.
COMPACT - org.refcodes.tabular.PrintStackTrace
CompositeRecordsImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Records interface wrapping multiple Records instances.
CompositeRecordsImpl(ExecutionStrategy, InvocationStrategy, Collection<Records<T>>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
Constructs a CompositeRecordsImpl serving Record instances from multiple Records instances.
CompositeRecordsImpl(ExecutionStrategy, InvocationStrategy, Records<T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
Constructs a CompositeRecordsImpl serving Record instances from multiple Records instances.
CompositeRecordsImpl(InvocationStrategy, Collection<Records<T>>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
Constructs a CompositeRecordsImpl serving Record instances from multiple Records instances.
CompositeRecordsImpl(InvocationStrategy, Records<T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
Constructs a CompositeRecordsImpl serving Record instances from multiple Records instances.
contains(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
Tests whether the Record contains a value identified by the Column instance's key and where the value's type is assignable to the Column instance's type.
contains(Record<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
Tests whether the Record contains a value identified by the Column instance's key and where the value's type is assignable to the Column instance's type.
contains(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Tests whether the Record contains a value identified by the Column instance's key and where the value's type is assignable to the Column instance's type.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnsTemplate
createInstance(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactory
createInstance(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactoryImpl
createInstance(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactory
createInstance(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactoryImpl
CsvFileRecordsImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
The CsvFileRecordsImpl is an implementation of the Records interface and provides functionality to parse CSV files.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, File) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, File, char) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, File, char, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(Header<T>, File) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(Header<T>, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(Header<T>, File, char) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvFileRecordsImpl(Header<T>, File, char, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvFileRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
The CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl is an implementation of the Records interface and provides functionality to parse CSV input streams.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, InputStream, char) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(ColumnFactory<T>, InputStream, char, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(Header<T>, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(Header<T>, InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(Header<T>, InputStream, char) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(Header<T>, InputStream, char, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.
CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl(Header<T>, ColumnFactory<T>, InputStream, char, boolean) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Constructs a CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl with the given parameters.


DateColumnImpl - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
DateColumnImpl implements the Column with support for the Date type and various default or custom date formats.
DateColumnImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.DateColumnImpl
Constructor of the DateColumnImpl with support for the default SimpleDateFormat instances as defined in the DateFormats.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMATS.
DateColumnImpl(String, DateTimeFormatter[]) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.DateColumnImpl
Constructor of the DateColumnImpl with support for the provided SimpleDateFormat instances.
decompose() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
delete(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
destroy() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
dispose() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl


ExceptionColumnImpl - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
The Class ExceptionColumnImpl.
ExceptionColumnImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.ExceptionColumnImpl
Creates an ExceptionColumnImpl which will consider the stack trace in its string representation AbstractColumn.toStorageString(Object).
ExceptionColumnImpl(String, PrintStackTrace) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.ExceptionColumnImpl
Creates an ExceptionColumnImpl which can consider or omit the stack trace in its string representation AbstractColumn.toStorageString(Object).
EXPLODED - org.refcodes.tabular.PrintStackTrace


Field<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A Field stores an attribute consisting of a key (name) and a value.
FieldImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Field interface being Cloneable.
FieldImpl(String, T) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FieldImpl
Constructs a Field.
Fields<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A Fields stores an attribute consisting of a key (name) and an array of values.
FieldsImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Fields interface being Cloneable.
FieldsImpl(String, T[]) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FieldsImpl
Constructs a Fields instance with an array of values.
flush() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
FormattedColumn<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Enriches a Column with rendering metrics (as of the ColumnSetupMetrics) mostly for text-based output such as for generating output for a terminal / console.
FormattedColumnDecorator<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Decorator implementation of the HeaderSetupMetrics interface.
FormattedColumnDecorator(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Instantiates a new formatted column decorator.
FormattedColumnDecorator(String, Class<T>, ColumnSetupMetrics) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Wrapper for the provided ColumnSetupMetrics decorating it with additional Column functionality.
FormattedColumnDecorator(Column<T>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Wrapper for the provided Column decorating it with additional ColumnSetupMetrics functionality.
FormattedColumnDecorator(Column<T>, ColumnSetupMetrics) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Wrapper for the provided Column and the provided ColumnSetupMetrics decorating it with each other's additional functionality.
FormattedColumnImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the FormattedColumn interface.
FormattedColumnImpl(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnImpl
Constructs an instance of the FormattedColumn type.
FormattedColumns<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
In case no order of the FormattedColumn instances is explicitly required (similar to a DB table or a spread sheet, in contrast to a CSV file) then FormattedColumn instances are grouped by a FormattedColumns set.
FormattedHeader<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A list of Column instances, for example describing the elements of a CSV file (visually speaking the of the CSV file's header line), is represented by the FormattedHeader.
FormattedHeaderImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
The Class FormattedHeaderImpl.
FormattedHeaderImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeaderImpl
Instantiates a new formatted header impl.
FormattedHeaderImpl(FormattedColumn<? extends T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeaderImpl
Instantiates a new formatted header impl.
fromColumnFormatMetrics(ColumnFormatMetrics) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
fromColumnSetupMetrics(ColumnSetupMetrics) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
fromColumnWidthMetrics(ColumnWidthMetrics) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
fromStorageString(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageString(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageString(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageString(Record<String>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageString(Record<String>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageString(Row<String>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageString(Row<String>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringRecord(Record<String>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringRecord(Record<String>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringRow(Row<String>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringRow(Row<String>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnImpl
From storage strings.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.DateColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ExceptionColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.IntegerColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.StringColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.StringsColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(Record<String[]>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(Record<String[]>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(Row<String[]>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStrings(Row<String[]>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringsRecord(Record<String[]>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringsRecord(Record<String[]>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringsRow(Row<String[]>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
fromStorageStringsRow(Row<String[]>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.


get(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
get(Header<T>, String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Row
This method retrieves a value from the row by taking the index of the according column in the header of the given key (the one with the given key) and returns that value.
get(Header<T>, String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RowImpl
This method retrieves a value from the row by taking the index of the according column in the header of the given key (the one with the given key) and returns that value.
get(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
get(Record<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
Retrieves a type correct value from the Record identified by the Column instance's key.
get(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Retrieves a type correct value from the Record identified by the Column instance's key.
getColumn() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnAccessor
Retrieves the Column property.
getColumnWidth() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getColumnWidthType() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getErroneousRecordCount() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Gets the erroneous record count.
getErroneousRecordCount() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.InputStreamRecords
The number of erroneous records which were not read by the InputStreamRecords.
getHeader() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
Retrieves the Header property.
getHeader() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderAccessor
Retrieves the Header property.
getHeader() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
Retrieves the Header property.
getHeaderEscapeCode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getHeaderEscapeCodeFactory() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getHeaderHorizAlignTextMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getHeaderMoreTextMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getHeaderSplitTextMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getHeaderTextFormatMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getKey() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
getKey() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FieldImpl
getKey() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getName() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getRecord() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.RecordAccessor
Retrieves the Record property.
getRecords() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsAccessor
Retrieves the Records property.
getResetEscapeCode() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeader
Gets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance.
getResetEscapeCode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeaderImpl
Gets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance.
getRowEscapeCode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getRowEscapeCodeFactory() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getRowHorizAlignTextMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getRowMoreTextMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getRowSplitTextMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getRowTextFormatMode() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getType() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
getType() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
getValue() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FieldImpl


hasNext() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
hasNext() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
hasNext() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsImpl
hasNext() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
Header<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A list of Column instances, for example describing the elements of a CSV file (visually speaking the of the CSV file's header line), is represented by the Header.
HeaderAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides an accessor for a Header property.
HeaderAccessor.HeaderBuilder<T extends HeaderAccessor.HeaderBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a mutator for an header property.
HeaderAccessor.HeaderMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a mutator for a Header property.
HeaderAccessor.HeaderProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a Header property.
HeaderImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Header interface being Cloneable.
HeaderImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderImpl
Instantiates a new header impl.
HeaderImpl(Column<? extends T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderImpl
Instantiates a new header impl.
HeaderMismatchException - Exception in org.refcodes.tabular
Thrown in case there is a mismatch between the given HeaderMismatchException and the Row, i.e. the index for the given key in the header may be out of index of the given row or the given key does not exist in the Header.
HeaderMismatchException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderMismatchException
Instantiates a new header mismatch exception.
HeaderMismatchException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderMismatchException
Instantiates a new header mismatch exception.
HeaderMismatchException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderMismatchException
Instantiates a new header mismatch exception.
HeaderMismatchException(String, String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderMismatchException
Instantiates a new header mismatch exception.
HeaderMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderMismatchException
Instantiates a new header mismatch exception.
HeaderMismatchException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderMismatchException
Instantiates a new header mismatch exception.
HeaderTemplate<T,C extends Column<? extends T>> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A list of Column instances, for example describing the elements of a CSV file (visually speaking the of the CSV file's header line), is represented by the HeaderTemplate.
hide() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator


indexOf(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
Determines the index of the column with the given key or -1 if there is none such column.
indexOf(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
Determines the index of the column with the given key or -1 if there is none such column.
initialize() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
InputStreamRecords<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Extends the Records with means to monitor the state of file based implementations.
IntegerColumnImpl - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Column interface for working with Integer instances, being Cloneable.
IntegerColumnImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.IntegerColumnImpl
Creates a IntegerColumnImpl managing Integer instances.
isEqualWith(Record<?>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Tests whether the given potential equal set of Header is matching the Record's elements in terms of matching the same relevant attributes of the columns with the elements in the Record.
isEqualWith(Row<?>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Tests whether the given potential Header equal set is matching the Row's elements in terms of matching the same relevant attributes of the Header with the elements in the Row.
isSubsetOf(Record<?>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Tests whether the given potential subset of Header is matching the Record's elements in terms of matching the same relevant attributes of the Column instances with the elements in the Record.
isSubsetOf(Row<?>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Tests whether the given potential Header subset is matching the Row's elements in terms of matching the same relevant attributes of the Header with the elements in the Row.
isSupersetOf(Record<?>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Tests whether the Record's elements is matching the given potential superset of Header in terms of matching the same relevant attributes of the columns with the elements in the Record.
isSupersetOf(Row<?>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Tests whether the Row's elements is matching the given potential Header superset in terms of matching the same relevant attributes of the Header with the elements in the Row.
isVisible() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator


keySet() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader


next() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
next() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
next() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsImpl
next() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
NONE - org.refcodes.tabular.PrintStackTrace


open() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
org.refcodes.tabular - package org.refcodes.tabular
The tabular package provides a frame to handle tables of data, often occurring when logging or when working with CSV files.


pause() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
PrintStackTrace - Enum in org.refcodes.tabular
The Enum PrintStackTrace.


Record<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A Record is a Map containing Field data structures with support for Column definitions.
RecordAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides an accessor for a Record property.
RecordAccessor.RecordMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a mutator for a Record property.
RecordAccessor.RecordProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a Record property.
RecordImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Record interface being Cloneable.
RecordImpl() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordImpl
Constructs the RecordImpl instance.
RecordImpl(List<Field<T>>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordImpl
Constructs a record with the given items.
RecordImpl(Field<? extends T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordImpl
Constructs the RecordImpl instance configured with the provided Field instances.
Records<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A bunch of Record instances is represented by a Records instance.
RecordsAccessor<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides an accessor for a Records property.
RecordsAccessor.RecordsMutator<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a mutator for a Records property.
RecordsAccessor.RecordsProperty<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
Provides a Records property.
RecordsImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Records interface being Cloneable.
RecordsImpl(Collection<Record<? extends T>>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsImpl
Constructs the RecordsImpl instance configured with the provided Record instances.
RecordsImpl(Record<? extends T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsImpl
Constructs the RecordsImpl instance configured with the provided Record instances.
remove() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
remove() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvInputStreamRecordsImpl
remove() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsImpl
remove() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
remove(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
remove(Record<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
Removes an entry (key and value pair) from the provided Record matching the key and the type of the Column.
remove(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
Removes an entry (key and value pair) from the provided Record matching the key and the type of the Column.
reset() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
resume() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
Row<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A Row holds multiple data elements loosely coupled to a Header.
RowImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Row interface being Cloneable.
RowImpl(T...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RowImpl
Constructs the RowImpl instance configured with the provided elements.
Rows<T> - Interface in org.refcodes.tabular
A bunch of Row instances is represented by a Rows instance.
RowsImpl<T> - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Rows interface being Cloneable.
RowsImpl(Header<T>, Collection<Row<T>>) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
Constructs the RowsImpl instance configured with the provided Row instances and the provided Header instance.
RowsImpl(Header<T>, Row<T>...) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.RowsImpl
Constructs the RowsImpl instance configured with the provided Row instances and the provided Header instance.


setColumn(Column<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnAccessor.ColumnMutator
Sets the Column property.
setColumnWidth(int) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setColumnWidthType(ColumnWidthType) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setEscapeCodeFactory(EscapeCodeFactory) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHeader(Header<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderAccessor.HeaderMutator
Sets the Header property.
setHeaderEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHeaderEscapeCodeFactory(EscapeCodeFactory) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHeaderHorizAlignTextMode(HorizAlignTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHeaderMoreTextMode(MoreTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHeaderSplitTextMode(SplitTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHeaderTextFormatMode(TextFormatMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setHorizAlignTextMode(HorizAlignTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setMoreTextMode(MoreTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setName(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setRecord(Record<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.RecordAccessor.RecordMutator
Sets the Record property.
setRecords(Records<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.RecordsAccessor.RecordsMutator
Sets the Records property.
setResetEscapeCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeader
Gets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance.
setResetEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeaderImpl
Gets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance.
setRowEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setRowEscapeCodeFactory(EscapeCodeFactory) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setRowHorizAlignTextMode(HorizAlignTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setRowMoreTextMode(MoreTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setRowSplitTextMode(SplitTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setRowTextFormatMode(TextFormatMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setSplitTextMode(SplitTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setTextFormatMode(TextFormatMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
show() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
start() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
stop() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CompositeRecordsImpl
StringColumnImpl - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Column interface for working with String instances, being Cloneable.
StringColumnImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.StringColumnImpl
Creates a StringColumnImpl managing String instances.
StringsColumnImpl - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Implementation of the Column interface for working with String arrays, being Cloneable.
StringsColumnImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.tabular.StringsColumnImpl
Creates a StringsColumnImpl managing String array instances.


TabularException - Exception in org.refcodes.tabular
Base exception for the refcodes-tabular artifact.
TabularException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularException
Instantiates a new tabular exception.
TabularException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularException
Instantiates a new tabular exception.
TabularException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularException
Instantiates a new tabular exception.
TabularException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularException
Instantiates a new tabular exception.
TabularException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularException
Instantiates a new tabular exception.
TabularException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularException
Instantiates a new tabular exception.
TabularRuntimeException - Exception in org.refcodes.tabular
Base runtime exception for the refcodes-tabular artifact.
TabularRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularRuntimeException
Instantiates a new tabular runtime exception.
TabularRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularRuntimeException
Instantiates a new tabular runtime exception.
TabularRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularRuntimeException
Instantiates a new tabular runtime exception.
TabularRuntimeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularRuntimeException
Instantiates a new tabular runtime exception.
TabularRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularRuntimeException
Instantiates a new tabular runtime exception.
TabularRuntimeException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.refcodes.tabular.TabularRuntimeException
Instantiates a new tabular runtime exception.
TabularUtility - Class in org.refcodes.tabular
Utility for listing specific functionality.
toFieldSet() - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Record
Returns the Field Set representation of the Record.
toFieldSet() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.RecordImpl
toFileNameFromZip(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Truncates the ".zip" suffix from the filename and returns the result.
toHeader(String[], ColumnFactory<T>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Creates a header for a given string array with the column names to be used for the header.
toHeader(Collection<String>, ColumnFactory<T>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Creates a header for a given list of strings containing the column names to be used for the header.
toHeaderEscapeCode(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
toInputStream(File) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.CsvFileRecordsImpl
Returns an InputStream from the provided File.
toIntersection(Record<T>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Returns a Record just containing the keys as defined in the Header and found in the provided Record. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO: Think about moving this method to the Header.
toPrintable(Throwable) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ExceptionColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI escape codes).
toPrintable(Date) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.DateColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI escape codes).
toPrintable(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To printable.
toPrintable(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
toPrintable(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To printable.
toPrintable(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
toPrintable(T) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
A Column implementation can provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI escape codes).
toPrintable(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
A Column implementation can provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI escape codes).
toPrintable(T) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
A Column implementation can provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI escape codes).
toPrintableRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
toPrintableRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
toPrintableRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To printable row.
toPrintableRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
toPurged(Record<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
The given Record is taken and only all non null values are taken for the returned Record.
toRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To record.
toRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
Creates a Record of the Row with the values in the order of the HeaderTemplate.
toRecordIgnoreType(Row<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
Similar to HeaderTemplate.toRecord(Row) with the difference that conversion is done ignoring the type of the HeaderTemplate Column instances and the according value(s).
toRecordIgnoreType(Row<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
Similar to HeaderTemplate.toRecord(Row) with the difference that conversion is done ignoring the type of the HeaderTemplate Column instances and the according value(s).
toRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To row.
toRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
Creates a Row of the Record with the values in the order of the HeaderTemplate.
toRowEscapeCode(Object) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
toRowIgnoreType(Record<?>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
Similar to HeaderTemplate.toRow(Record) with the difference that conversion is done ignoring the type of the HeaderTemplate Column instances and the according value(s).
toRowIgnoreType(Record<?>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
Similar to HeaderTemplate.toRow(Record) with the difference that conversion is done ignoring the type of the HeaderTemplate Column instances and the according value(s).
toSeparatedValues(Record<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Returns a separated values representation of the implementing collection by separating each item with the default separator Delimiter.CSV.
toSeparatedValues(Record<?>, char) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Returns a separated values representation of the implementing collection by separating each item with the given separator.
toStorageString(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To storage string.
toStorageString(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageString(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To storage string.
toStorageString(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageString(T) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractColumn
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageString(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageString(T) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(Integer) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.IntegerColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.StringColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.StringsColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(Throwable) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ExceptionColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(Date) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.DateColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To storage strings.
toStorageStrings(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
To storage strings.
toStorageStrings(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(T) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Column
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(T) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnImpl
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStrings(T) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
A Column implementation can provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringsRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringsRecord(Row<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringsRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toStorageStringsRow(Record<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderTemplate
A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
toString(Record<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Creates the string representation from from the given record.
toString(Record<?>, char, DateTimeFormatter[]) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Creates the string representation from from the given record.
toSubset(Record<T>, Header<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.tabular.TabularUtility
Returns a Record just containing the keys as defined in the Header; keys not found in the provided Record are ignored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO: Think about moving this method to the Header.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.refcodes.tabular.PrintStackTrace
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.AbstractHeader
values() - Static method in enum org.refcodes.tabular.PrintStackTrace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withColumns(C...) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnsTemplate
With columns.
withColumns(Column<? extends T>...) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.Columns
With columns.
withColumns(FormattedColumn<? extends T>...) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumns
With columns.
withColumnWidth(int) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withColumnWidthType(ColumnWidthType) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withEscapeCodeFactory(EscapeCodeFactory) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHeader(Header<T>) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.HeaderAccessor.HeaderBuilder
Sets the Headerto use returns this builder as of the builder pattern.
withHeaderEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHeaderEscapeCodeFactory(EscapeCodeFactory) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHeaderHorizAlignTextMode(HorizAlignTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHeaderMoreTextMode(MoreTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHeaderSplitTextMode(SplitTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHeaderTextFormatMode(TextFormatMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHide() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withHorizAlignTextMode(HorizAlignTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withMoreTextMode(MoreTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withName(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withResetEscapeCode(String) - Method in interface org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedHeader
Sets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
withRowEscapeCode(String) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withRowEscapeCodeFactory(EscapeCodeFactory) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withRowHorizAlignTextMode(HorizAlignTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withRowMoreTextMode(MoreTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withRowSplitTextMode(SplitTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withRowTextFormatMode(TextFormatMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withShow() - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withSplitTextMode(SplitTextMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withTextFormatMode(TextFormatMode) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator
withVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.refcodes.tabular.FormattedColumnDecorator