Interface FormattedHeader<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type managed by the FormattedHeader.
All Superinterfaces:
org.refcodes.mixin.Clearable, Collection<FormattedColumn<? extends T>>, ColumnRow<T,​FormattedColumn<? extends T>>, HeaderRow<T,​FormattedColumn<? extends T>>, Iterable<FormattedColumn<? extends T>>, org.refcodes.struct.Keys<String,​FormattedColumn<? extends T>>, org.refcodes.struct.Keys.MutableKeys<String,​FormattedColumn<? extends T>>, List<FormattedColumn<? extends T>>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FormattedHeader<T>
extends HeaderRow<T,​FormattedColumn<? extends T>>
A list of Column instances, for example describing the elements of a CSV file (visually speaking the of the CSV file's header line), is represented by the FormattedHeader. The FormattedHeader preserves an order for a list of Column instances. A FormattedHeader provides the semantics for related Row instances.

The Keys.keySet() method must provide a predictable order as ensured by the LinkedHashSet class as of the ordered nature of the FormattedHeader.

  • Method Details

    • getResetEscapeCode

      String getResetEscapeCode()
      Gets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance. In case an ANSI Escape-Codes is set, then this ANSI Reset-Code is prepended to the according text being printed.
      The String to be used for resetting ANSI escaping.
    • setResetEscapeCode

      void setResetEscapeCode​(String aEscapeCode)
      Gets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance. In case an ANSI Escape-Codes is set, then this ANSI Reset-Code is prepended to the according text being printed.
      aEscapeCode - The String to be used for resetting ANSI escaping.
    • withResetEscapeCode

      default FormattedHeader<T> withResetEscapeCode​(String aEscapeCode)
      Sets the ANSI reset Escape-Code for this FormattedHeader instance as of the Builder-Pattern. In case an ANSI Escape-Codes is set, then this ANSI Reset-Code is prepended to the according text being printed.
      aEscapeCode - The String to be used for resetting ANSI escaping.
      This FormattedHeader instance to continue configuration.