Interface RecordReader<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type managed by the Records.
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, HeaderAccessor<T>, Iterable<Record<T>>, Iterator<Record<T>>, Records<T>,<String[]>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CsvRecordReader, CsvStringRecordReader

public interface RecordReader<T> extends AutoCloseable, Records<T>, HeaderAccessor<T>,<String[]>
Extends the Records with functionality for file based implementations regarding header management and means to monitor the state of reading data. Reading Record instances may cause problems but no abortion of an operation (if desired), the statistics of the problems may be reported by an implementation of this interface.
  • Method Details

    • getErroneousRecordCount

      long getErroneousRecordCount()
      The number of erroneous records which were not read by the RecordReader.
      the erroneous record count
    • readHeader

      Header<T> readHeader() throws IOException
      Creates a Header from the next line to be read. In case a header has already been provided (in the constructor), then the according header is matched against the next line being read and ordered accordingly, placeholder Column instances are inserted if needed, created by the provided (default) ColumnFactory.
      Returns the Header being read.
      IOException - thrown in case reading from IO failed.
    • readHeader

      Header<T> readHeader(Column<T>... aColumns) throws IOException
      Creates a Header from the next line to be read. The provided header is matched against the next line being read and ordered accordingly, place holder Column instances are inserted if needed, created by the provided (default) ColumnFactory.
      aColumns - The Column instances for creating the actual Header.
      Returns the Header being read.
      IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    • readHeader

      Header<T> readHeader(Header<T> aHeader) throws IOException
      Creates a Header from the next line to be read. The provided header is matched against the next line being read and ordered accordingly, place holder Column instances are inserted if needed, created by the provided (default) ColumnFactory.
      aHeader - The Header for creating the actual Header.
      Returns the Header being read.
      IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    • skipHeader

      String skipHeader() throws IOException
      Skips the next line to be read. This line will not be processed by the method. This methods is useful when skipping the first line (header).
      The line being skipped.
      IOException - thrown in case if IO problems.
    • nextRow

      String[] nextRow()
      Reads the next line from the (standard) input (stream or file) and returns an array of its String representation.
      Specified by:
      nextRow in interface<T>
      The String array representation of the next Record instance read.
    • nextType

      default <TYPE> TYPE nextType(Class<TYPE> aClass)
      Reads the next line from the (standard) input (stream or file) and converts it to the given type which's instance is then returned. The Header keys must match the type's properties.
      Type Parameters:
      TYPE - The type of the element to which the line to be read is to be converted to.
      aClass - the type of the instance to be created.
      The instance of the type to which the Record is being converted to.
    • toHeader

      default Header<T> toHeader(Header<T> aPrimaryHeader, Header<T> aSupplementHeader)
      Merges the primary Header with the supplement Header. A copy of the primary Header is returned with any Column replaced in the primary Header with a supplement Header's Column of the same key.
      aPrimaryHeader - the primary header
      aSupplementHeader - the supplement header
      The accordingly merged Header.