Interface Records<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type managed by the Records.
All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<Record<T>>, Iterator<Record<T>>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CsvRecordReader, CsvStringRecordReader, RecordsComposite, RecordsImpl

public interface Records<T> extends Iterable<Record<T>>, Iterator<Record<T>>
A bunch of Record instances is represented by a Records instance. As of efficiency reasons, a Records instance can be iterated through, returning a single Record within each iteration. This approach is making it possible to query a DB in the background and just hold the Record instances being served next in the Records instance (in memory).

The way how Records instances manage their related Record instances is implementation specific, a plain java implementation might use some kind of collection for storing the Record instances (this can get memory intensive and not applicable when working with big data). A DB implementation might retrieve the Record instances in blocks one by one, one after the other, by querying the DB accordingly (in terms of "next" result sets).