Interface RecordWriter<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the Record instances being used.
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, HeaderAccessor<T>,<T[]>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CsvRecordWriter, CsvStringRecordWriter

public interface RecordWriter<T> extends<T[]>, HeaderAccessor<T>
The RecordWriter writes data.
  • Method Details

    • parseHeader

      void parseHeader(String... aHeader)
      Parses and sets the Header from the provided String. You must have provided a ColumnFactory for this operation to succeed.
      aHeader - The header to be created.
    • writeHeader

      void writeHeader(String... aHeader)
      Parses and sets the Header from the provided String arguments and writes the CSV header to the writer (be it a Stream or a File). You must have provided a ColumnFactory for this operation to succeed.
      aHeader - The header to be created.
    • writeHeader

      void writeHeader(Header<T> aHeader)
      Sets and writes the provided Header to the writer (be it a Stream or a File). .
      aHeader - The header to be created.
    • writeHeader

      void writeHeader()
      Writes the CSV header to the writer (be it a Stream or a File). You must have provided a Header for this operation to succeed.
    • writeNext

      void writeNext(T... aRecord)
      Directly logs the provided instances to the writer.
      Specified by:
      writeNext in interface<T>
      aRecord - The instances to be logged.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown in case the provided objects do not align with the header (as of HeaderAccessor.getHeader()).
    • writeNextType

      default <TYPE> void writeNextType(TYPE aRecord)
      Directly logs the provided instance to the writer. The properties of the given type matching the header are written accordingly.
      Type Parameters:
      TYPE - the generic type
      aRecord - The instance to be logged.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown in case the provided objects do not align with the header (as of HeaderAccessor.getHeader()).
    • writeNextLine

      default <TYPE> void writeNextLine(String... aRecord) throws ColumnMismatchException, HeaderMismatchException, ParseException
      Directly writes the provided instance to the writer. The properties of the given type in the given order matching the header are written accordingly.
      Type Parameters:
      TYPE - the generic type
      aRecord - The instance to be logged.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown in case the provided objects do not align with the header (as of HeaderAccessor.getHeader()).
      ColumnMismatchException - thrown in case a value was found in the e.g. in a Record of the wrong type than specified by a provided Column (of for example a Header).
      HeaderMismatchException - Thrown in case there is a mismatch between the given Header and a Row (or another Header), i.e. the index for the given key in a header may be out of index of a given row or the given key does not exist in a Header.
      ParseException - in case parsing the input was not possible.
    • writeNext

      void writeNext(Record<T> aRecord) throws ColumnMismatchException, HeaderMismatchException
      Directly logs the provided String instances to the writer.
      aRecord - The String instances to be logged.
      ColumnMismatchException - Thrown in case a value was found in the e.g. in a Record of the wrong type than specified by a provided Column (of for example a Header).
      HeaderMismatchException - Thrown in case there is a mismatch between the given HeaderMismatchException and the Row, i.e. the index for the given key in the header may be out of index of the given row or the given key does not exist in the Header.