Interface Record<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type managed by the Record.
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public interface Record<T> extends Map<String,T>
A Record is a Map containing Field data structures with support for Column definitions. The Field instances can be managed with the functionality provided by a Column.

A value can be retrieved from a Record by providing an according Column definition, which verifies the value type. Also values can be converted to and from the appropriate interchange and string formats by the according Column instances.

In contrast to a Row, a Record relates the key (name) to its values. Similar to a Row, a Record makes use of Column instances (for example as provided by a Header or a Header instance) to give the fields additional semantics.

  • Method Details

    • toFieldSet

      Set<Field<T>> toFieldSet()
      Returns the Field Set representation of the Record.
      The Field instances representation of the Record.
    • toPurged

      default Record<T> toPurged()
      This Record is taken and only all non null values are taken for the returned Record. In case of string objects, only String instances with a length greater than zero are taken into account for the returned Record.
      The output Record without any keys which's values were null or in case of strings which's length was zero.
    • toType

      default <TYPE> TYPE toType(Class<TYPE> aClass)
      Converts the content of the Record to the according type. The Header keys must match the type's properties.
      Type Parameters:
      TYPE - The type of the element to which the line to be read is to be converted to.
      aClass - the type of the instance to be created.
      The instance of the type to which the Record is being converted to.